#9 MoonClan will Survive

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(Cat in picture is Shiningstar)

Shiningstar scrambled out of the remains of the warriors’ den. Blasted NightClan! She thought angrily. How dare they destroy our camp like this?

“Shiningstar! Thank StarClan you’re alright.” She whipped her head around to see Cloudflower lumbering toward her. “The moon is rising. We can shelter all the cats in the medicine cats’ den, but not permanentally. We need to get the dens fixed as soon as possible and get hunting patrols out.” Cloudflower lashed her tail angrily. “NightClan shredded our fresh-kill pile.” She spat.

Shiningstar flexed her claws into the earth. “Oh, they’ll pay for this.” She snarled.

Cloudflower’s eyes widened with shock. “What are you implying, Shiningstar? We attack them again? Are you completely bird-brained?” She growled. “Half your Clan has already been killed, are you willing to kill the rest?”

Shiningstar flicked her ear tip indifferently. “We do what we must to survive.”

“No, you do what you want to get revenge.” Cloudflower hissed. “Do you know how many died in this battle? Three more cats. Six cats dead. Gingerclaw, Peppernose, Mousepelt, Graywhisker, Dewfur, and Stonekit. You’re loyal Clanmates died because you told them to fight. I hope you’re happy.” Cloudflower whipped around and stalked away across the clearing toward Hornetsting, who lay on his side licking a jagged scratch on his shoulder.

Shiningstar stared angrily after her medicine cat. How dare she say that? Is she saying that I murdered my own Clanmates? Shiningstar thought, furious.

I yawned, blinking my eyes open, feeling a paw prod me in the side. “Juniperpaw?” the paw’s owner whispered in my ear. I flicked my ear at their nose and turned to see Adderpaw leaning over me.

“What is it?” I mumbled, settling my head down in my nest again. “I just got to sleep.”

Adderpaw poked my unruly bedding back into place, looking embarrassed. “I couldn’t sleep among all the hurt cats. Can I sleep here?” I looked at him again. His eyes looked pleadingly down at me.

I purred softly. “Alright, if it helps you to sleep.”

“Thanks Juniperpaw!” Adderpaw whispered, settling down beside me in my nest.

“Cats of MoonClan!” the yowl jolted me from me sleep. I glanced around and noticed only Fernshade and I were still in the den. Adderpaw had disappeared.

“Gather here below the Rock Pile for a Clan meeting!” Shiningstar yowled, and slowly, reluctantly, her Clanmates slipped from their nests. I followed Fernshade out into the clearing and saw Shiningstar perched on the Rock Pile, which was crumbling now, since the NightClan warriors attempted to tear it down.

Shiningstar’s eyes were full of hate as they scanned over the camp. “We cannot let NightClan harass us like this!” She snarled. No cat said anything. She lashed her tail angrily. “We need to bring a fight to NightClan’s main camp and kill Shadowstar.” She declared.

Braveheart stepped up, his haunches swathed in cobwebs, looking horrified. “Shiningstar, how can you even think of fighting in a time like this?” He gasped.

Shiningstar looked at her deputy and spat. “Coward! Fighting is the only thing we can do to survive.”

                “No, Shiningstar.” Braveheart said, shaking his head sadly. “Fighting us what got us into this. No cat will be fighting anymore. Not for you.”

Shiningstar’s eyes widened in shock as her Clanmates murmured in agreement, taking Braveheart’s side. “You’re not the leader of this Clan!” She snarled.

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