#6 Life in Darkness

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(Cat in picture is Ashstorm)

Shadowstar sat in his den that was formed by a stream carving its way into a rock. The stream had changed courses now. He lay in his nest of prey pelts, moss, and feathers with his mate, Curseclaw, curled up beside him. The young SunClan captive crouched at the far end of the cave carefully peeling the pelt off a mouse. Two more pelts lay beside her, ready to dry and use as bedding.

“Orangeflower,” He called to her.

Her head shot up from her work, her whiskers twitching. “Yes, Shadowstar?” She asked nervously.

“I’m thirsty.” He told her, looking at her expectantly.

She leapt up from the mouse she was skinning and padded across the den to where there were a few holes clawed out of the rock wall. She stuck her paw in, fishing around until she pulled out a flat rock with a hollow in the center. She picked up the rock in her mouth and dashed quickly out of the cave. Stretching, Shadowstar slithered down from his huge nest, waking Curseclaw.

“Shadowstar?” She mumbled sleepily.

“Go back to sleep.” He instructed her.

He padded out of the nook where his nest was settled, pushing through the lichen that divided his sleeping place from the rest of his den. Shadowstar padded to the entrance of the cave, poking his nose out. “Fetch Redeyes.” He ordered the cat that was on guard outside his den.

“Yes Shadowstar.” Came the reply, and he heard the cat shambling away.

He turned around and settled down on the nests that he had ordered put down so that he could hold meetings but have a comfortable place to sit, rather than the hard rock floor.

A few moments later a black tom with red-tinted amber eyes slipped in through the cave entrance. “Shadowstar? You summoned me.”

He nodded. “Sit.” He ordered, and the black tom obeyed. “MoonClan attacked our lakeside camp.” Shadowstar told him. “They are taking this stealing prey far too seriously.”

Redeyes growled and lashed his tail. “Their raids are becoming more annoying than anything. We should teach them a lesson they won’t forget quickly.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Shadowstar said darkly.

“Should I lead a patrol into their camp?” Redeyes asked eagerly, flexing his claws into the moss.

“I don’t think it’s necessary right now.” Curseclaw meowed, slipping through the lichen that hid Shadowstar’s nest. “Let MoonClan die off in their own raids. It’s not like they are causing us any harm.”

Shadowstar nodded agreement. “She has a point.” He flicked his tail, summoning Curseclaw to sit beside him. “If they become too much of a nuisance, we can just drive them out like we did SunClan. Their territory is prey and herb rich, we could use it.”

Redeyes nodded slowly. “We’ve already killed three of their cats in battle. They are a tiny Clan anyways; they have to be running out of warriors.”

“Very well.” Shadowstar said gruffly. “We won’t launch an attack just yet.”

Curseclaw stretched and gave her chest a few quick licks. “Redeyes, have you send out a hunting patrol yet?” She asked.

“I’ve sent out two, we could use a few more. Want to lead one?”

“Sure. Let me get in a quick grooming first.” She meowed.

Orangeflower slipped in through the cave entrance, carefully holding a rounded rock full of water in her jaws. He set it in front of Shadowstar. “Here you are, Shadowstar. Do you want anything else?”

He shook his head. “Go finish your work, I’ll send for you if I need you.”

Curseclaw lead her patrol along the MoonClan border. Grass and plants grew better on the peak, surprisingly, and the prey was fatter near the border. Already her patrol had caught a few rabbits. Curseclaw stalked forward until she was right in front of the border. A plump eagle perched on a rock a few fox-lengths over the border, getting ready to feast upon a freshly caught mouse. She waggled her haunches and leapt onto the bird’s back, killing it with a bite to the throat. She glanced casually around. She had crossed the border enough times to feel comfortable here. It wasn’t like MoonClan could do anything about it. But she had thought too soon.

“MoonClan, attack!” Came the battle cry, a voice she had come to recognize: Ashstorm. He was a formidable fighter. A fighter MoonClan didn’t deserve and he knew it.

A mottled brown apprentice leapt onto Curseclaw’s back and dug her claws into her spine. “NightClan thieves!” She spat. Gritting her teeth Curseclaw rolled, crushing the little cat under her. She leapt quickly to her feet and slashed out, ripping open the apprentice’s shoulder. The mottled brown cat yelped in pain and turned, fleeing into the ferns. Curseclaw shook her pelt and glanced around to see how her Clanmates were faring. Some of the MoonClan cats had already fled back into their territory. Cowards! Curseclaw thought triumphantly. Can’t even defend their own territory.

“Help!” Curseclaw pricked her ears, whipping her head around to see her daughter, Webfur, pinned under  Ashstorm’s paws. His claws arched into her neck and a tide of scarlet flowed out as Webfur ceased to struggle. Letting out a furious yowl, Curseclaw launched herself at Ashstorm, bowling him off of Webfur’s limp body.

Ashstorm flew back, slamming against a rock. Curseclaw landed in front of him but slipped on the shiny wet blood, crashing down on her side. Ashstorm rolled forward, raking his claws viciously down her flank. Shrieking in pain Curseclaw lashed out with all her might, digging her claws into Ashstorm’s face. He screamed and backed away, flicking the blood away that welled from the wound.

“This isn’t over.” He snarled, turning and racing away into the ferns.

Shadowstar sat beside his mate and only surviving daughter, Nightglow. Webfur lay in the center of the main camp, her pelt groomed to perfection, hiding the fatal wounds that tore at her throat. ShadowClan cats milled around. Most of the cats present were cats living in the main camp, but a few were Webfur’s friends from the other camps that were scattered around NightClan territory. Webfur’s mate crouched beside her gently licking her pelt.

“Another kit lost.” Curseclaw mewed sadly.

“She was a warrior. This is what she was born to do.” Shadowstar meowed simply. “No kits would die in battle, though, if we drove out MoonClan.”

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