<8. Taemin Visits>

Start from the beginning

I listened carefully to everything Taemin was saying to me. I wanted to be the best listener ever. I wanted to help him as much as I could. The problem was with Yewon after all. He had broken up with her at the park, the same time I spotted them. I thought so. He broke up with her because he felt like she wasn't giving him all the love he deserved from his girlfriend. Plus he said he's starting to have feelings for someone else. When I heard that, my heart sank a little. Once again he'll end up with someone who isn't me. It hurt...really bad. I tried not to show it on my face but I probably wasn't doing a good job.
"Ohh...I'm sorry that all that happened. I'm sure with the girl you like now will give you all the love she's supposed to. I hope she'll be good to you or I'll step in and take her out." I laughed.
"Haha, thanks."
"Oh! Do you want some food? I made miso soup and rice if you're hungry."
"Thanks. Sounds good."
I smiled and got up from my chair and started puting soup in a bowl for him. As I was putting rice in a separate bowl next, I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I gasped and froze in place. I didn't move.
"Thank you for preparing food for me." He said into my ear.
"Y-y-you're welcome..." I stuttered terribly.
"Can I ask a favor?"
"Can I stay here tonight? With you?"
NANI!? NANI NANI NANI!?!? WHAT!?!? Stay the night! Ohhhhh myyyy gaaaawwwddddd!!!! Lee Taemin you lil freak!!!!!
"It's getting late and I'm a bit tired. Plus Yweon texted Jonghyun saying she was going to come over to talk to me tonight but I don't wanna see her."
Is that true? Or is he making that up?
"Umm I guess that's okay." I said.
"Now...here's you're food." I said quickly trying to get him off me. But I kinda wanted him to stay that way.
"Thank you Ari!"
"Hehe, no problem."
I watched him eat my cooking gratefully and cutely. He eats very well. I was glad.
"You should cook for me everyday Ari!"
"Me? Oh no I couldn't burden you like that."
"No I love it!"
"More than anything!" He smiled.
I was glad. Taemin had spent dinner with me for the first time with just the two of us. I felt good inside. And he's staying the night to top it all off. BUT WAIT!? The man I love is staying at my place! In MY room!! Oh no what do I do!? Man my life has gotten pretty complicated since I met him. But I'm glad.

After dinner Taemin helped me clean up the kitchen. Then we took a rest on my couch and turned on the tv. I put on my favorite show and we watched in silence together. It may have been quiet between us but I enjoyed this time where I just got to be in his presence.
"Oh Taemin Oppa?"
"You don't have pajamas do you?"
He smirked and held a finger up to me.
"Be right back."
What is he doing? He went outside to his car and I watched him from my window. He pulled out some clothes from his back seat. I know this boy did not bring a set of pajamas to my house just in case I said yes. When he came back inside I slapped his shoulder.
"What?" He laughed.
"So you planned on staying here from the start?"
He nodded.
"And you just thought I was gonna say yes immediately??"
"Well you did."
".....Go get washed up." I turned from him trying to hide my smile. I felt him pat my head as he walked to the bathroom to wash up. I went into my room and scrolled through on my phone while I waited for Taemin to finish. What could we do when he's done? It's only 8 and we don't have to be asleep for at least another hour for school. A movie maybe? I got up and walked into the living room and scanned through my movies. A scary movie? I remember he told me he liked those kind of movies. Maybe this one? I never really watched it. My mom got it for me since I pointed out it looked interesting. I haven't even opened it yet. I decided on this one. Right after I decided about a movie I heard the bathroom door open. Oh good, he's done.
"Oppa! Do you wanna-yah!!"
I looked to Taemin who came out the bathroom in only a towel. This boy has no chill!
"Taemin Oppa! What are you doing!??"
"I wanted to know if you had an extra toothbrush." He asked wiping his hair of the excess water. Some pieces of his black hair draped over his left eye as it stayed closed, as if he was winking at me. Oh ma gawd my heart, my soul. Someone save me! I'm dying!
"U-um...y-yeah... It's in the...in the...ya know the thing in there...the...."
"You okay?
"So where is it?"
"Lemme just show you." I sped past him trying not to look at him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life as a woman. I reached in the cabinet a grabbed my extra toothbrush I kept around.
"How come you're not looking at me?"
"Huh?!? I'm just..."
"Are you feeling embarrassed? You seem jumpy."
His voice got deeper all of a sudden. Hold shit! Please save me! I need an escape!
"No! I'm just...I'm energetic from sugar I had earlier so I can't...ugh! Nevermind!"
I pushed passed him with my cheeks blushing extremely red.
A few minutes later he appeared in his pajamas fully dressed. It was a bit depressing but now I won't be dying.
"Are you gonna wash up?" He asked me.
"I already did before you came over. I shower early to save time for other things I may need to do."
"Oh ok."
"Oh yeah! Do you wanna watch a movie before we go to bed? It's a scaaaary movie." I said stretching out the word scary and wiggling my eyebrows.
"Haha, sure. Just don't fall asleep on me this time okay?"
"Yes sir!" I said getting up and putting the movie in.
I surprisingly stayed up the entire movie. It was pretty scary so there was no way I could close my eyes for even a moment. It was finally time for bed....BUT I CANT FUCKING SLEEP CAUSE THIS MOVIE TRAUMATIZED ME! Ugh now what? I have a test tomorrow I need my sleep!
"I guess I'll sleep here on the couch." Taemin said.
What the hell? Did I say that?
"Huh? What's wrong?"
"I can't sleep by myself now! This movie is all up in my mind! I need you to sleep with me." I said without thinking. Wow Ari what a wonderful way of asking.
He smiled at me brightly and patted my head for the millionth time but I didn't mind because I kinda like that feeling. That safe feeling.
"Sure. C'mon." He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Taemin said he liked someone else but why does he kiss my forehead? Why does he hold my hand? Why does he ask to sleep at my place? Shouldn't be be with her if he likes her so much? I don't get it but I guess I better enjoy this while I can. We headed to my room and I quickly got into bed first.
"You must be tired." I heard him laugh.
"Yeupp! Very sleepy!" I said nervously.
Taemin slipped into bed beside me and I got nervous. Well this is my fault. He turned on his side and faced me with a gentle look in his eyes. Why was he looking at me like that?
"Yeppeo..." He whispered while stroking my hair.
Did he just...call me pretty??? This day has been something else.
"Kam sa hae yo..." I said quietly.
"You can sleep now?"
"Mm. Kwenchana."
"Good. Shall I hold you while you sleep?" He smirked and held me in his arms.
"Oppa...is this okay? You said you liked someone. Shouldn't you be faithful to her?" I said regretting it not even a second later.
"I am being faithful to her."
"Goodnight Ari."
And in less then a minute his breathing was light and he was asleep.

What did he mean?

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