“Sonno” I said, quitet enough so that he wouldnt hear it untill last second

He frowned as he clicked and then he fell asleep in a mess on the floor.

I shook my head and walked upstairs to find my crystals and spell book.

When I got back down stairs there was a sexy looking english man in my living room looking at my brother strangely

I shrugged “He was being a moron and I dont peticularly want my house looking like a volcano and a twister had sex”

“such a vivid bunch of words megan, so I see nothings changed on your part?”

I shook my head “although your lovley brother gave me my memories back, and im ignoring him now”

“he said something like that when he got home before”

“So Elijah, how’s life, better than being trapped in a box with a dagger through your heart?”

“Much better love, much better, although, I can say, life was much nicer when nik wasnt threatining my life every few minutes”

“Touche” I smiled “touche, he can be an ass-hat cant he?”

“He can, he can cant he love?”

I nodded and walked over to my second favourite origional and hugged him “Lovley to see you Elijah”

“You too Megan, you too” he laughed

__ Damon __

I walked into the grill after i left tylers house, i saw stefan and elena making out in the corner booth.

I frowned and slipped onto one of the bar stools, compelled the bar tender to keep my glass full.

When someome from my past walked in.

Not the nicest way i could have found the devil herself, but... none the less here she is.

“Damon, Darling, lovley to see you again” She smiled revealing her pearly white teath.

“Aphordite, i told you to get out of my sight” i hissed.

Aphrodite was megans big sister, yet she couldnt give a shit if she was upset.

“But Damon, baby, you love me” she laughed, as if it was funny running her hand down my arm

“Aphrodite, I told you already, I don’t care about you, you wouldn’t even give your little sister a second look, do you know how much that must have hurt her? You are such a bitch to her, get out of my fucking sight, now” I hissed

“You don’t mean that Damon, your just upset because Megan interrupted our make out” she smiled, once upon a time that would have worked for me, but I was unbelievably pissed at her.

“No Aphrodite, I'm pissed at you. Fuck off and get out of my sight” I dropped my fangs and hissed at her

“You’re in love with Megan” she whispered “You prefer that little bitch over me, fine, fine, I’ll go, but be warned, this isn’t over Damon. Its far from over” and that is when she looked exactly like her best friend, the evil smile she gave me was scary, it looked like something Katherine would do if she was pissed.

I bashed my head against the bar and ordered a whole tray of shots.

Less than half an hour all of the alcohol that I had drunk was completely gone, the buzz was good, only now I had to go home.

I slipped into my car and started driving thinking about what Aphrodite had said, did I really like Megan? That would be sick, she’s my half sister, it would be wrong.

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