Chapter 4 - Here We Go Again

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He noticed me and flashed an effortlessly flawless smile. He waved and was about to get up and head my way but before he could do that Harry interrupted him.

“Who are you staring at?” Willow snapped at me.

“uhh…..” before I could say it she turned around and saw Liam. She let out a slight ‘eep’.

“Oh my god! That’s Harry and Liam what are they doing here? Let’s go say hi to them.” After yesterday I couldn’t see one direction and Paul. Ever again.

“What are you thinking? Let’s go”

“NO! let’s..let’s not do that. I mean after everything that happened last evening no way.” I tried convincing willow.

“what happened yesterday?” williow began to speculate. I was in no mood to share that story with her. So I lied.

“I mean. They must be tired right. So I think it’s best we don’t disturb them……” and as I continued making a lame theory I never noticed when Liam came and stood beside me.

“Hey Emma, fancy seeing you here”

“oh. Hi. Didn’t see you there.” I hesitated. Why was this happening to me? I have been a good kid all my life. I hardly have any sins.

“You remember us?” Willow asked surprised to see Liam next to her.

“Well…just her. But I remember seeing you yesterday. You were there right?” Liam said with a smile satisfying Willow.

“yeah. You’re so sweet can we please have a picture?” Stupid Willow and her stupid requests. But I couldn’t quite hate her she didn’t know about anything that had actually happened. The reason why Liam remembered me. So I got up raised my phone and smiled.

“Done.” I said. Begging god to somehow end this conversation to somehow send him back to where Harry was seated.

“I never got your number.” Liam told me. Well, it’s cause I didn’t want you to have it. Didn’t want you to remember me. Wasn’t bumping into you here enough of a curse?

“right umm…..i was…”

“Liam! Liam! Do you come here often”

“What’s your favourite pasta?”

“Who are they?”

“Are you dating one of them”

It took the media a fraction of a second to burst the perfectly calm restaurant into mayhem. The flashes were blinding, I froze; everything was fast paced I couldn’t think. I blanked out I looked at Willow she was saying something but I couldn’t hear her. Then I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and pull me. The force was too strong to resist it I moved and started running keeping the pace with the new force that was now driving me. I looked up; I had already figured it out it was Liam but I was trying to figure out why. It was all so clichéd. Everything a fanfic talks about. Those cheesy extended imagine with chapters driving fans away from reality. I was being a part of it.

 We ran for about 10 minutes till we reached Liam’s house. We stood in front of the gate.

“I need to talk to you. Ummm….look so our management saw your sketches and was interested in you. They were asking if you would like to do some official art?”

My face brightened up “yes! I’d love to.” I was so excited this was the best thing that had ever happened to me in my whole life.

“I’ll need your number for that. We gotta keep in touch” Liam said as he took my phone from his hand. He grinned again as he saw the lock screen.

“That’s a very naughty lock screen you got there.”

“Yeah. I know.” I giggled.

Liam hugged me, this time it was understood when he didn’t rub my back.

“whoa take it slow you might have a go at her bra again”

“Harry!” Liam snapped at him.

I laughed. “that’s fine I wore a sports bra today. Better safe than sorry right?” I don’t even think it took half a second before I regretted saying.

“oh my god. Sorry I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Shit!”

“That’s fine take care babe.” Harry said as he lifted his hand to shake mine. I mimicked his action. Liam stood between us so as I lifted my hand and I got stuck.

I looked at my hand, the bracelet Kiera gave me that morning, and the denim placed itself so conveniently in the zip of Liam’s Jeans.

“well fuck!” I swore as I stood there in utter shock.

I looked at it, and so did Liam and Harry.

I tugged on my bracelet but all it did was pull Liam closer to me. My heart practically stopped beating. This was not happening to me. Not again. Not two days in a row.

Harry bursted out in laughter he couldn’t help but lose control of the situation.

“here we go again.” He said cheekily.

We saw paparazzi headed our way.

“quick. Get in. we’ll figure this out. “ said Liam as he grabbed me again and I matched my pace with his and got inside his house.


The thing is that I would have appreciated more time looking around his house than standing near his door with my hand stuck to his dick.

“umm….we could just cut it off.” I offered. There was no other solution.

“I’ll get the scissors till then you two sexually frustrated love birds sit on the couch” Harry managed to say between his giggles.

“hey! I didn’t mean to and no I’m not you know….that! I just oh my god. I’m so sorry Liam I didn’t mean to I really didn’t!” I was in full defence mode trying to prove my innocence to two grown up men.

“I know babe. It’s alright” Liam reassured me before he chuckled a little.

*Author's Note : well did this chapter crack you up? or at least bring a smile on your face? comment below and let me know. continue reading also don't forget to vote =D *

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