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Wendy's pov

"What do you mean Kyle?"

"It's just I think this is for the best,"

"Does this mean you don't like me anymore?"

Kyle simply looked down as I stared shocked at him. The two of us were sitting on the school's stairs, feeling simply awkward. Kyle had just told me that he thought it was better if we ended it because of reasons he refused to tell me.

"Wendy," He said after a few minutes "I just think that you and Stan are better for eachother."

"Wait?" I said a little surprised "This is about Stan? Because I'm seriously over him, so please don't feel sad...."

Kyle rolled his eyes and looked at me a little annoyed, as if he thought I was lying.

"Kyle I'm not...." I started but he hushed me.

"Wendy don't make this harder than it already is," He smiled although I could swear I saw tears "I wanted so long to be your boyfriend and I finally got to be, but now I realized I'm going to stop doing things for Stan, just because he wants me too."

I was definitely confused now and just stared into his green eyes, which were completely beautiful to me.

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked trying not to cry myself.

"Im doing it for you," He said touching my hand "I really love you Wendy, and I want what's best. I could pretend all I want that you are happy with me but in truth, you aren't. So I let you go, you don't have to go with Stan but you certainly don't have to be with me."

I shook my head violently and held him tightly. I felt tears stain my cheeks and my heart sink as Kyle tried to pull me off.

"No Kyle!" I cried "I love you and I'm very happy with you, please don't leave me!"

Kyle began to cry as well but he tried desperately to wipe his tears. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes and it hurt to see him cry.

"Wendy," He said "I know this might feel bad at first but it will get better okay?"

"No it won't!" I sobbed "Why do you think I should be with Stan so badly! Even if I did like him, we aren't good for eachother, we never were!"

I expected Kyle to at least nod in understanding, anything! But he just looked at me with no emotion. I waited desperately for him to say something but he remained silent.

"Well?" I asked my voice cracking "What do you have to say to that?"

"You and Stan," He began "Have had your ups and downs true, but you've had more ups than anything. When you two really need help, then you will be there for eachother, you may get into arguments but what couple doesn't? You guys just keep getting back on your feet, being happy and of course more loving than before, it's like you are simply made for eachother, and that Wendy is why I'm leaving you."

I still looked confused but Kyle sighed smiling. He leaned forward and kissed my lips one last time, before standing up and walking away.

"No! Kyle!" I cried "Come back! Kyle please!" He didn't come back and I didn't stop crying, I just sat there pathetic and once again.......alone.

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