Fucking dumbass

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Cartman's pov

I was sitting on the toilet about a week after Butters and I stopped talking. I was thinking about everything that happened since then and a whole lot did. For starters Kyle and Wendy started dating and normally I wouldn't care. Though Stan always went over to me and talked about how pissed he was about the whole situation.

"I mean he's my best friend!" Stan had told during one of his bitchings "You aren't supposed to go out with your best friends ex girlfriend!"

"I hear ya," I said though I wasn't really listening.

"It's just so stupid!" Stan said stamping his foot on the floor "I mean how is Kyle better than me!"

"I don't know Stan," I said getting a little annoyed "You know what I'm sorry, I gotta go,"

Stan had watched me in shock as I walked away. I was only thinking of one thing Butters. I missed Butters so much that it hurt. I'd see him around at school but he wouldn't talk or go anywhere near me. It seemed us no longer talking effected him more than I thought.

For the blonde had now dyed his hair black and blue. He also always wore black and was seen crying in the hallways by everyone. I felt so horrible for him. The only thing I wanted to was hug him and kiss him and never let him go. Everytime I felt like I had the courage to go and talk to him, I'd always lose it.

I was returned to reali by someone entering the bathroom. I quickly got out of the stall, to see Butters. He was by the urinal peeing in that dumb way he always did. I smiled at the fact that he still did such childish thing even when being an emo.

"Hey Butters," I said quietly

"Fuck you," He said

I sighed and went over to the sink. As I washed my hands I kept looking back and forth between my hands and Butters. Once I was done, I turned to him.

"Butters," I said "Can we please just talk."

He didn't respond just pulled up his pants and went to wash his hands. I walked closer to him, though he only ignored me.

"Butters please," I said stepping closer not realizing the wet spot on the floor "I'm sorry I'm so sorry."

Butters wouldn't look at me and continued to clean his hands. I stared at him with so much sadness but he couldn't give a rats ass. Finally I couldn't take it any more and walked quickly towards him but slipped.

Butters pov


Something had all the sudden banged into me, and it now was trapping me against the wall. I quickly realized it was Eric and my cheeks went red, for his lips were pressed into mine. I looked at him and saw his eyes closed FUCKING closed! The fat bastard had slipped and accidentally started kissing me and was enjoying it.

I had to force myself to keep my eyes opened. I loved Eric and I wanted to kiss him, I did. Though he was evil and I couldn't continue this, no matter how much I liked it. I let him kiss me for a little bit longer before throwing me off.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me!" I said blushing madly "You sick twisted weirdo!"

I ran out of the bathroom, slamming the door.

Cartman's pov

I stared at the bathroom door in disbelief. I had just kissed Butters and I should of been happy. Though I wasn't. How could've I been so stupid! I just slipped on fucking water and made things even worse.

"Gah!" I cried not caring if anyone heard me "I'm such a fucking dumbass!"

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