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Cartman's pov

No one at school was talking to me. They all acted as if I was some kind of disease and if you went near me, you'd catch it. All I did was accidentally fall on Wendy with my pants off, and now all the kids think I'm perverted.

I thought about killing Wendy so then people would forget about what I did and move on to something else. Though that wasn't the thing to do, no it wouldn't be. I needed to, even though this was extremely below me, apologize to her. I knew Wendy would beat me up if I didnt, the hoe was crazy. So after a few days of thinking I put away my pride and walked over to Wendy's locker while everyone else was going to lunch.

"Hey Wendy," I said gripping hard onto my bag straps

"What do you want Cartman?" She said not looking at me

"Um I wanted" I looked down to arrogant to finish my sentence.

"Wanted what?" Wendy asked now looking at me "What do you want?"

I opened my mouth to utter my apology, when a stupid kid who was skipping banged into me and once again I fell on Wendy.

"Get off her pervert!" I heard Bebe yell from a few lockers away. I felt myself being thrown off Wendy and then pushed to the wall. Lola had her hands gripping the collar of my coat.

"What's your problem fatty?" She said giving me a deadly glare "You think just because you can't get a girlfriend normally you have to molest them?"

"No...I..." I stuttered out of fear of all the girls crowding around, I had learned by then that girls aren't weak at all.

"Shut up!" She said punching me in the face. After that one blow, most of the girls started to beat me. I couldn't see anything because they were covering my vision but I could hear them.

"PERVERT!" I heard one yell

"PERVERTED FATASS!" I heard another

"Guys stop it!" I heard Wendy "Stop it that's enough!"

All the girls stopped beating me and turned to Wendy.

Wendy's pov

"What's the big idea Wendy?" Bebe asked putting a hand on her hip "I thought you were all about protecting girl's rights."

"I am," I said "But this isn't fair towards Cartman, if it's a bunch of girls against one boy it could be really bad."

I didn't kid myself. I didn't care about Cartman, though even I knew that ten against one is immoral. Eric was a sicko but even he didn't deserve that kind of beating, well at least for this.

"Don't stop us Wendy,"Lola threatned "Or you'll pay for it."

"I don't want to fight you guys," I said putting my hands up "I just want you to think for a second."

Bebe shrugged and led the rest of the girls back to the lunchroom. Lola gave me a piercing stare and mouthed the words You'll pay for this before following the rest. I stared at the place she had walked from for a few seconds before heading outside.

Butters pov

I was the last one to leave class, that day. I had slipped my chocolate milk everywhere and needed to clean it up. When I was done I put the paper towels in the garbage and left the classroom. Before heading home I decided to take a pee check.

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