Chapter 6

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Hey there people of the internet! (guess who that’s from??) Well…OMG IM WRITING CHAPTER 6!!

xD ok, this is what you’ve all been waiting for! Or maybe not, I don’t care…LET’S GET TO THE AWESOMENESS! Haha, actually it probably won’t be too good, but whatever…x)


(A wild Kasey appeared! Um.. Hi)

~Dan’s POV~

I walked out of my room and went to see Phil. “Yeah, what do you want?” I asked him.

He smiled and said, “Let’s bake something. Not for the channel, just for us.”

I tried not to smile to much when I said, “Yeah!”

We started making a red velvet 3-tiered cake. I knew I was going to be a mess, but I didn’t care.

I was really just excited to hang out with Phil.

As we were making the batter, I have no idea how I managed to get it literally everywhere, but I did.

There was batter all over the kitchen, on the counter, on me, on Phil, and even on the ceiling.

I tried not to burst out laughing while we making the cake.

When Phil put the batter into the pans and into the oven, I actually cheered.

After all that was done, Phil said he was going to take a shower and then we could head to Starbucks, so I thought I’d take one too.


When we were both done with that, the timer went off. Phil took out the pans, as I straightened my hair.

I walked back into the room. “Ready to go?” I asked.

Phil nodded and put on his hoodie, and we left.


When we got to Starbucks, I thought Phil kept looking at me.

Why would he even be looking at you? I thought. I don’t know but I’m pretty sure he is…

I’m sure it’s nothing.

So we got some drinks and then went home and we started to put icing on the cake---which got even messier.

There was icing everywhere, and I even put some on Phil on purpose. It was cute watching Phil fuss over the icing I got on his t-shirt.

When we were done, we cleaned up all the icing we got everywhere, and we cut some pieces to eat.

I sat down on the couch, and Phil did the same.

We both reached for the remote, and our hands touched. It felt weird, but I didn’t move my hand away. And neither did Phil.

Ok, ok, ok. I thought, trying to calm myself down. So your hands touched, what’s the big deal?

But it felt like a big deal, actually. I kind’ve…liked it, too.

When I finally gained control of myself, I looked up. Phil looked up too, and our eyes locked.

OMG A CLIFFHANGER!! I just had to throw one in there.

So it is kind’ve short, but I tried so be nice.


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