Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update, but there’s a thing called the internet that I don’t have at one of my parent’s house. So I’d really appreciate it if people wouldn’t be pushy and annoying with the update because I don’t always have access to the internet. 

But enough of this shit, let us get on to the story you have all waited so “patiently” for :D


(Ohai. Yay, UPDATE! ~Kasey) 

--Dan’s POV—

After I finished the pancakes Phil made, I sat down and got on the internet.  Right when I signed on to Tumblr, the first thing I saw was Phan stories about me and Phil.

Oh my god, I thought. Look what people wrote about us…

When I started reading some of the fan fictions, I blushed.

You don’t even like him that way anyways, so what do you care if people write stuff about you and Phil? I thought.

I didn’t want Phil to notice I was blushing, so I decided to act like it bothered me to see it.

I groaned and Phil asked, “What happened?”

“Tumblr is overflowing with ‘Phan’ today. I got on and the first thing I saw was a gif of us staring at each other with hearts everywhere.” I said.

“Yeah, but you’ve been used to that for a while. Why so upset about it today?” 

“Erm, no reason. It just looks like there’s more than usual.” I said. 

Holy crap, I got really nervous when Phil started asking those questions. I didn’t know how to answer because it hadn’t really bothered me before.

Not until now, I thought. Maybe I do care about all the ‘Phan’ because I care about Phil.

Of course you care about Phil, my brain said, he’s your best friend and flat-mate.

Well, yeah but…I think it’s more than that…

I couldn’t handle fighting about my true feelings with myself anymore. I decided that I need to find out for sure how I feel.

I went to my room and sat down on the bed to think.

Ok, so I do care about Phil, but I’m straight, I mean I just can’t like him that way. 

But I also can’t help but get lost staring into his eyes, or getting all fluttery when he says my name.

I need to figure this out…

“Hey Dan, can you come here?” Phil called.

So much for figuring it out, I thought.

I got up slowly, and went to see Phil.

So there you go. 

Will Dan find out if he really likes Phil?? Will he only ever think of Phil as a friend??

Well you’re going to have to find out later when the real shit goes down ;)

 ~Kasey and Christian

Love Letters ~~ A Phan Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora