Chapter 2

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Well here's chapter 2!

Not much else to say.


~Kasey and Christian

Dan’s POV:

As we were sitting there, Phil walked away. 

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

“To finish editing up my new video.” Phil said.

I watched him walk out of the room.  I actually started to feel lonely, even though Phil was just here.

I really miss Phil, I thought.  Whoa, okay that sounded a little weird…but I really do. I miss his smile…his laugh…I just miss him…

Okay what the heck, brain, I thought. I don’t have feelings for Phil…do I?

Of course I don’t, I mean…he’s just my flat-mate, and I’m not even gay…

But I just can’t stop thinking about him, he’s amazing…

Just as I started getting lost in thought, Phil walked back into the room and I snapped back into reality.

“Hey Dan, I’m back,” Phil said to me, looking at me with those eyes...Are his eyes red? Has he been crying? I thought.

“Phil…are you okay?” I asked. 

Phil looked at me and his faced turned red. “Uh…yeah,  I’m fine” he answered.

“Okay…” I said. But of course I didn’t believe him for a second. 

I was going to ask Phil again, but the doorbell rang. “I got it,” Phil said. 

 After he left, I sat down on the couch.

Phil soon came back with the Chinese food, and opened up some of the cartons. I took one and started eating.

Phil did the same and I couldn’t help but watch.  It was just too hard not to stare.

“Dan, are you okay?” Phil asked, looking up from his food. I must have been staring at him for a long time or something. 

”Oh…yeah,” I said, turning my focus to my food, hoping he wouldn’t notice I was blushing.

After we were finished eating, we threw our garbage away and sat on the couch to play video games.

We played for about an hour or so when Phil paused the game and looked at me. 

“I’m gonna go to bed, it’s getting late,” he said.

“Oh, okay,” I said, trying not to sound too disappointed.

After Phil got up and left, I thought I should get some sleep, too.

I turned off the T.V. and started walking to my room, but stopped in front of Phil’s door. I opened it up a little and looked in. “Phil?” I called.

I looked at him lying in bed…Must be asleep already…I thought.

I smiled, “Sweet dreams, my Phil,” I said. 

Then I gently closed the door so I wouldn’t wake him, and I walked into my room to try to get some sleep.

Well, yay.


New chapter soon.

Erm. Bui *scuttles away awkwardly*

~Kasey and Christian 

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