Love me a JB fanfic: chapter 8

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<chapter 8: the big news>

Dr. Goldberg came back with paper work. "So it turns out that, Ms. Brianna isn't gonna have her amnesia for that long."

"Well that's great news!" Shouted out selah.

"Yes it is. But,"

"But? But what?" Asked savannah.

"But, her amnesia is gonna wear off in a couple of months."

"How long?" I asked.

"About 2-3 months."

"2-3 months?" Justin said.


I can tell Justin was worried about Brianna. Even though he doesn't know much about her he was still worried.

One of his beliebers is hurt. And that belieber happens to be my best friend.

"You guys have to teach her what's going on. You have to show her everybody who she may not remember, okay?" Said dr Goldberg.

"Yes." We all agreed.

"Ok." With that dr Goldberg left us in the waiting room.

"When are we gonna take her out of the hospital?" Asked jasmine.

"Sunday." Replied savannah.

It got really quiet. It was very uncomfortable. It's never this quiet. We usually laugh or talk and be loud.

"Aca-akward." Cried out selah. She always had to say something whenever it's quiet.

"Yeah, it kinda is." I said awkwardly.

"That's because my sister got into a car crash and we're all worried about her!" Savannah whispered/yelled.

She did have a point there. Whenever Bri is around she would make us laugh. Brianna was always loud too. She would make these weird faces and noises and we'd just crack up laughing!

But it's not the same anymore. Our friend, best friend, and sister has amnesia. She doesn't remember any of us! And that's what breaks my heart the most.

The nurse opened the door. "All you guys may come in now."

"All of us?" Asked jasmine and selah.

"Yes." The nurse giggled. she moved out of the door way and walked over to Justin. "Here's my number. Call me." She winked.

I grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him over to me. I stuck my tongue out at the nurse like a little kid. She gave me this weird look. But I don't care I love Justin and nobody is taking him away from me.

"Come on." I said angrily.

"Why are you mad at me?" Justin asked.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the nurse for giving you her number."

"Oh. Jelousy." He smirked.

"I'm not jealous!" My face turned red.

"Sure you're not."

"Whatever." I playfully rolled my eyes.

When we entered the room, everybody was either sitting or standing.

Brianna was starting to wake up. She looked around the room. Then she looked at all of us.

"Umm....excuse me? But...who are you guys?" She asked confused.

I looked at Justin. Everybody seemed confused. I did too. I thought all of us already met her. I thought she now knows who we all are...


Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was really short and kinda boring /:

But anyways, please comment and vote! And thank you for reading my story!


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