Chapter 3: Cursed

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Staring at the t.v., the four friends were silent, still not over the fact that one of them was almost expelled and will not be attending graduation.

"My dad sent the school a huge donation just for me to graduate and not get expelled." Yna said with a blank face.

With her father away most of the time for work, she has always been alone at home. The fact that all three of her friends live in the same building made things easier for her.

"That Celia should pay. She can't do this to you! And how narrow minded are the people at school anyway. They're making it sound like you were the one who wanted Celia hurt and not the other way around." Camille said while trying to comfort poor Yna.

"And how come you're the only one being punished here. How is it that Celia is able to go to the graduation without any fuss at all!" Kaye added.

With a sinister look on her face, Gale suggested something, something that would involve outside force
"Let's use the box. Celia should get what she deserves."


"Are you sure about this? I mean, she is still graduating you know, she just wont be going to the ceremony." Hesitation filled Camille's voice as it echoed throughout the basement of their condo building.

"Yes." Yna and Gale responded.

Kaye with a concerned look took a glance at everyone and said "If you think that this will make you feel better then I'll go on with it. They have never used the box to punish anyone before.

The thing made of glass was glowing. An ominous vibe surrounded them once more. Light suddenly filled the darkness around them. What was once ear shattering noise were now voices telling them what to do to get there wish

"A sacrifice of blood is to be made for this wish to come true."  the voices whispered eerily.

The sacrifices were getting more and more grueling. At first they were just simple things that they own, a bracelet, a necklace and then gradually the more they wished the more complicated the sacrifices got. Last time they had to sacrifice a live snake just for Camille to become prom queen.

The four of them stood around a circle made of light with images that they still can't seem to recognize.
With a sharp knife, they cut their index fingers just enough to let a drop of blood flow and fall into the box made of glass.

"We want this person punished." All four of them said together as they dropped a picture of Celia Topiav with the word Truth written on it into the circle. As the light consumed the photo they closed their eyes and concentrated their thoughts on what they wished for
"We want Celia to feel guilty about what she did and tell the truth so that everyone can see what kind of person she really is."

The light from the box intensified so strongly that it felt like standing next to a bonfire but instead of fire it was light that created the heat. Everything was trembling, they felt it in their guts. Time once again did not exist and it seemed like gravity suddenly was taken away.
Kaye tried to open her eyes but once again before she could see what was happening, her vision went black.


-Three weeks after-

From a distance, Yna watched everyone march towards the stage to get their diplomas. Students wearing blue and silver graduation gowns were excited, gleefully posing for pictures, some were making funny poses and some were just smiling trying to savor the moment.
It was a shame that she couldn't come but she already accepted that fact and moved on. She was just happy for her friends.

And then the moment came. They called her name
"Celia Topiav" called the principal while gesturing to Celia to come up the stage.

Wearing a purple dress under her graduation gown. She walked up the stage, smiled, took her diploma and shook the principal's hand. She still has a thick layer of bandage on her leg where she cut herself.

"Yna deserves to be up there too." Kaye whispered to Gale and Camille while watching Celia pose for photos on stage.

Suddenly, Celia started acting strangely. She took the mic from the principal and started sobbing uncontrollably
"I set Yna Lancar up so that she would get suspended! It's my fault she's not here" she said while crying.

"I cut myself with this knife! And pinned everything on her!" she added while pointing the knife at her throat.

She paused and with a smile, a strange sinister smile, she looked at every student who were looking back at her and swiftly slashed her throat.
Dark red blood squirted everywhere, dripping all over her. With a grunt she pushed the knife deeper within her throat. More blood gushed out. She was looking everyone in the eye the entire time. The blue hue of her dress became stained with her own blood steadily flowing from her widely slit neck. She collapsed at the floor creating a pool of blood on stage.

Everyone was shocked, frozen for the fact that they have never witnessed death like this before.
Screams were heard all over the school. Students crying, running, afraid of what they just watched. A girl just killed herself in front of the whole school.

It was done. Celia Topiav was punished. Consumed by her guilt. She killed herself with the same knife she used to set Yna Lancar up.

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