chapter 36

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Tania p.o.v

I woke up next to lauren who was still sleep. So I didn't wake her up. Of course dinah was asleep. Everyone basically was asleep. I got up and changed into jeans and a shirt and did my hair. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. And it was john.

"Hey." He said

"Hey." I said

I grabbed my phone. It was 9 in the morning. So me and him sat on the floor in the hallway. I decided to practice my dances for the show.

"Please no don't your gonna hurt yourself." Said John becoming nervous

I did the flip and landed on my feet. I walked back to him and sat right next to him

"What's open at 9 in the morning?" He asked

"I don't know." I said

We thought for a while. We soon decided to walk to the park.

"We always go to the park." I said

"Ok let's get frozen yogurt." He said

I nooded and we walked to get the frozen yogurt. We walked and ate the yogurt.

"I always tell you this but your pretty." He said

"Thank you, your cute." I said

He chuckled. We walked and walked. We was so bored we even went back to the hotel and sat in the hotel room.

We quickly closed the door and sat on the floor. We looked at some videos. After we did that we watched a movie.

After the movie we just sat their and we just spoke.

"Ok I'm so bored let's go do something." I said

I pulled john arm up. "Let's go to the arcade." He said

We opened the door and left to the arcade. We played a few games. After that we left. Me and john was currently holding hands.

We went back to the hotel but this time going into normani and camila room.

"Hey finally someone is up." I said seeing camila

"Oh hey you wanna do something fun?" She asked

"Yeah." Said John still holding on to my hand.

Camila took us to a place that was fun.

"Wow thanks camila you took our boredom and turned it into fun." I said

"Well they call me cool camila." She said

"Nobody calls you that, they call you chef camila." I said

She laughed. "Well I'll leave you guys to your fun." She said

We walked into dinah and lauren room. And dinah was up.

"Finally dinah you are up." I said

"You want to play a game." She asked us


The game was fun dinah made it up herself.

"Now we are having fun." Said John.

Normani and ally joined us for the game witch was funny cuz of normani and ally trying to guess the answer first.

The only person who was asleep was lauren.

"Does anyone know why lauren is asleep so late?" I asked

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