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"Morning Silver." Gold whispered in Silver's ear. But Silver didn't open his eyes. He poked Silver's cheek. Still didn't work. Gold poked some more, until BOOM, his temper dropped harder than the Greek economy.

"GOLD..." Silver growled. Gold shivered and tried to run away, when Silver got him in a headlock.

"Ah! I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Gold cried.

"You little SHIT poke me AGAIN and I'll make you regret it..." Silver growled.

"Please please forgive me! I only wanted to wake you up to tell you something." Gold replied.

"What is it? If it's going to annoy me, I will break your arm." Silver threatened.

"My cousin Crystal is coming over today for a visit. Can you please help me clean up?" Gold asked.

"Fine, but never do that again..." Silver replied, getting up.

"Do you have any dirty clothes that need washing?" Gold asked.

"Well what do you think? I've been wearing the same clothes for 2 days now." Silver answered.

"Oh right! You could've asked me for spare clothes!" Gold replied.

"And you just noticed? Oh my god Gold, you are such a numpty!" Silver angrily said.

"I'm so sorry Silver!" Gold apologised. "You can go have a shower and I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."

"Thanks." Silver said in an angsty voice, blushing. (aww, he's blushing!)


Silver turned on the shower and let water run down his bare body. It was sure calming.

"I feel so bad... I've been such an ungrateful numpty to Gold, after all that he's done for me, I'm still being a cold-hearted asshole. I don't know how to forgive him, I wonder if he secretly hates me now..." Silver thought.


Silver left the shower to find clothes that Gold left for him. It was jeans and a red jumper. He closely observed them before whiffing in the scent that was coming from them.

"These clothes... They smell of Gold..." Silver thought.

He got dressed and went to find Gold. He checked the kitchen, the dining room and the laundry room in the basement. He soon went outside to see... His mother hanging out the washing? Silver blinked again to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Mum...?" Silver muttered. He slowly walked towards what seemed to be his mother. "Mum..." Silver softly smiled. He hugged what seemed to be his mother before saying,

"Mum, I missed you so much..." Silver said in a calm, innocent tone. Gold turned around to see Silver hugging him. It was unusual to see him acting this way.

"Silver, is there something wrong?" Gold asked. Silver instantly looked up to see Gold, not his mother. His face instantly flushed red as he pushed Gold away and ran back indoors.

"What just happened?" Gold asked himself, confused. "Silver..."

Book 1: I'm not Tsundere!! (preciousmetalshipping)Where stories live. Discover now