Chapter 4: The Truth

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Yujin pov

As we were still eating at the table I couldn't help to notice that Hansol kept glancing at me, I dunno why.

"Aren't you going to eat you've been staring at me. Your food is probably cold." Said Hansol

I'm so stupid, he kept glancing because I was starring

"Sorry it's just that you have very pretty eyes." I said truthfully

"No I don't, you shouldn't say that."

"Why? and why have you been acting this way? you never had before." I said to him

"If you'll excuse me, I'm done eating." Said Hansol as he wiped his face then threw his napkin on his plate and then left

I just kept on staring at that napkin. It's like me and that napkin are the same, we are used then thrown... Maybe I shouldn't be with Hansol.

I got up of the table and went to my room. I got out my photo album and was looking at the pictures of me, Vernon, and his friends. I smiled a little then began crying I don't know why I was. My tear drops were falling onto this picture of Hansol and I hugging outside of my house on the day of my 12 birthday, the day I fell In love with him

⌚️flash back⌚️

"Noona, noona, noona!" Said Hansol who was trying to wake me up

"What do you want Hansol!" I said as I sat up from my bed

"Happy birthday!" Said Hansol as he hugged me

"Ya! Get off, did my mom let you in?" I said as moved him aside

"Yea." He said with a smirk

"Get out I need to change!" I said as I got up

"Fine, but your mom wants you to hurry up." Said Hansol as he was walking away

"That little kid, always coming into my room." I mumbled

"I heard that, and I'm only 2 years younger."

"I'm only two years younger... Whatever." I said then shut the door of my room

Agh, that kid always gets on my nerves. I get he's trying to become closer to me because I moved in with him just last year but he's really getting on my nerves and I don't really know why.

As I was done dressing I went down stairs to the living room where my parents and that kid and his parents were.

"Hi." I said with a fake smile

"Oh, it's the birthday girl!" My father said

"We'll look how pretty she is." The kids father said

"Thank you." I said with an actual smile

His parents aren't bad it's just Hansol that I don't like.

"Hansol why don't you and Yujin go outside and play while we set up everything here." Said his mother

"Okay." He said as he grabbed my hand and took me outside

"What are you doing?" I said as I moved away from him

"My mom told me to take you outside, so I did."

"But did you have to grab my hand?" I said to him


"Why did you have to grab it?"

"Because you wouldn't have listen to me if I told you."

I turned around

"You don't know that." I blushed while saying


"Then why do you always talk to me so mean ever since you've been here?" Asked Hansol as he came closer to me

"Because... Because... Wait you know what I don't need to tell you!" I said then turned around and faced him "just don't get in my way." I said then started walking back inside

As I moved like three steps I felt my arm being pulled. My face was now pressed against tiny little Hansol chest (even though he's younger he's still taller then me)

"What are you doing?" I said as I tried to move away from his hug

"I just want to know why you don't like me."

"I'm not going to tell you?!" I said as I began hitting him

"Why not!"

"Because... Because... I don't even know." I said as I stopped hitting him and began crying

"Noona, are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Hansol said as he let go of me and was grabbing my Shoulders

"It's okay, it's my fault for not liking you for no reason at all." I said as I was wiping my tears away

"No, noona it's my fault for asking you even though you didn't want to tell me." Hansol said as he let go my shoulders

"Hansol I think reason why I thought I didn't like you was because my family made me move in with you guys and leave all my friends so I put all that anger that was meant for them to you."

"We'll sorry that happened to you."

"We'll I'm not even mad about it anymore so I don't know why I was so mean to you. I'm glad I came here."

"I'm glad you feel that way." Said Hansol with a smile

"Yea." I said with a smile

"Okay kids let's take a picture!" Said my mother

We went to the front yard and Hansols parents were taking pictures of me and my parents

"Wait let's get a picture with Yujin and Hansol together." Said my father

I was a little shocked of what he said so I didn't move until my mother started pushing me next to Hansol

"Okay kids get a little closer." Said Hansols mother

"What?" I said

Out of no where Hansol pulled me to him and smiled then hugged me. I blushed. As his mother was done taking the picture she gave me it and told me

"Keep it safe." She said with a smile

I blushed again. I started staring at Hansol the whole day and realized I liked him.

Flash back over.

As I wiped the tears off of the picture I heard a knock on the door.

"Yujin? Are you in here?"

I wasn't going to say anything but then Hansol opened the door to my room

"Yes?" I Said a little coldly

"Yujin I know your mad... But I need to tell you something..."

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Yujin... The reason I have been acting this way is because... Dino likes you and he told me the day you asked me out. I didn't want to say no to you because I also liked you so I said yes but I was acting so mean to you cause I wanted you to break up... With me" Said Hansol as backed up a little

I got off my bed faced him. I went on my tippy toes and kissed him and placed my arms around his neck.

"Yujin... D-didn't you listen?" Said Hansol with his lips still with mine


"What about Dino?"

I then removed my lips from his.

"I guess he can't find out." I said with a small smirk and then kissed him again

This time he placed his arms around my waist and said


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