Chapter 1

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(Dragoon here!  So for new people, welcome!  I know I have people mad at me for pairing these two but oh well.  Tony needs to learn some lessons!  I've already decided that the first half of the book will all be in Skye's POV and will flip when he gets his mate.  So for the first 6-10 chapters... I plan on this one to be longer than the rest because I just love Skye! The pic is the closest thing I could find for Skye, minus all piercings. Just picture him with bluer eyes and all the piercings. Oh plus bigger eyes! Ok enjoy!)


What is that thumping? Oh wait, that's just my tail. Looks like I changed while asleep again. I heard my door creak and footsteps walking in. The footsteps stooped and I heard a sigh.

Skye, did you have a nightmare again? You know you can talk to us right? We could never think of you any different. There was a reason why I adopted you when you were 10. I just fell in love with you as well as Mark. One of my fathers said. I groaned and cracked open my left eye. Standing at my bed was my dad, Jackson but he went by Jack.

His sky blue hair was shaggy and needed to be cut but he always refused. His five o'clock shadow was new though. He gained more muscles since adopting me because I wanted to be carried by him almost everywhere we went. He had really cool eyes though. Two different colour eyes. One was red and the other was gold.  He was one of the best dads in the world.  Him and his mate Mark had looked after me since I was 10.  I love them to death and I would kill anyone that tried to harm them.

"I'm fine daddy, like you said, a nightmare" I answered.  I could feel my ears droop though and he caught on.  He sat on my bed as I still was laying down.  I tried to sit up but my arms gave out because of a sudden bolt of pain shooting through them. 

Don't lie to me.  We both know your ears droop when you lie to me because you feel bad.  I've known you for 7 years now and can tell when you are lying to me.  Mark too!  His voice floated to my head.  I sighed and nodded.  He smiled and helped me into a sitting position. 

He is mute.  As long as I have known him, he hasn't muttered a single word by mouth.  By thought though, is a different story.  Both Mark and Jack are psychic.  From what I know, both of them can read minds, see visions, send thoughts and share visions.  No one is really safe if we get in trouble because they just search our minds.  Jack either talks through the mind or if it's someone he doesn't know, he uses a whiteboard type of thing to communicate with others.  It's a nifty thing to use.  I heard my door again and looked to see who it was.  It was my other dad Mark.

Mark had dirty blonde hair that clung to his shoulders.  Bright blue eyes scanned my room every time he walked in.  He was a full year and a half younger than Jack but they loved each other, that much was noticeable.  Mark sighed as he shut the door behind him.

"Skye, you may want to get dressed, Ashton is almost in the kitchen.  He is complaint that he wanted to see his big brother.  Link is gonna get up soon, knowing him.  You may want to cover... Those" he said, gesturing at my body.  I sighed and nodded.  Jack got up and grabbed a hoodie for me as well as some jeans.

I would've stayed in my PJ's since it is a weekend but the three of us don't want to expose the bruises I get on a 5 day basis.  I'm just glad I don't have any broken bones that I have to explain to them....

I know what you are thinking and no, I do not get beat by my dads.  This really fucked up bully does it.  His name is Anthony but he goes by Tony with his friends.  He is Mark's younger brother.  We all want to teach him a lesson but him going to Juvvy 5 times has yet to cure him of targeting me out and beating me to a pulp and leaving me to die.

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