Eight - Take Me To Your Biscuits

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"Did you find an apartment yesterday Dad?"

"Nope. I'm going searching again after work today. I could pick you up after school if you want to come with?"

"That'd be nice. See you then." Lily said, slinging her bag onto her back and heading out for school. Her phone vibrated in her coat pocket,

Jacob - Hey, Lily? Do you have any more gigs coming up any time soon?

Lily sighed, and pocketed her phone again. She unlocked her bike and saddled it, preparing to race to school, as she was already running late.

"Lily, you're late, do you want to go in the car?" Her father said, emerging from the house.

"Thanks Dad." She hastily relocked her bike and climbed into the hatchback.

"I was thinking you could drive. To practice. Seeing as you've got that Learner's License." He said through the window.

Instead of getting out and walking round, Lily tried to clamber over to the driver's seat. She rolled her eyes as her father tutted at her antics, and when he was seated and strapped she started the engine.

Lily reversed out of the driveway and made it all the way to school just in time for the first bell. She waved frantically at her father as she sprinted to the school doors.

She burst into her math classroom and slumped down into the last seat.

"Late start huh?" Lily mumbled in response, trying to get her breath back before replying.

"I slept past my alarm Jake. Don't bug me. You know I'm usually great at getting to school."

"Mm. Like the time you whacked that Freshman?"

"You're pushing it Jacob. You're like, this far from over the edge." Lily placed her fingers together and waved them in front of Jacob's face. "You have no idea how lucky I am that this teacher's always late." As she said that, the door swung open and the teacher strode in, piles of books and folders in his arms. He dumped the lot onto his desk.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" Jacob whispered, getting started on the problem on the board.

"Sure." Lily said, pulling her books out of her bag and taking a pen out of her pencil case.


A few hours later, at lunch, Lily was slumped on a bench on the field, waiting for Jacob to reappear with his lunch from his locker. She was sprawled out, exhausted from her lessons. She was sweaty and hot, even with her jumper off, and sitting out in a weak but warm sun wasn't really helping.

"Jakey-boy, I need an icepack." She exclaimed as Jacob sat down on the grass beside the bench.

"What did you do?"

"I decided to come to school on a day like this. The weather's not even good."

"Come on, lighten up. You've got what? Less than a half day left then you're off! I have Double Science then Double PE."

"Yeah. I have English Lit, then I have to go look at apartments for my dad to move into, then I have to go back home to my parents, who are currently going through a divorce and can't stand a day without shouting at each other! Who has it best, Jacob?" Jacob looked down, "Sorry. I'm just... Not in a good place right now."

"It's alright. You know, if you want, some time this week you could vent some anger out, in, say, another chocolate torture session?"

"No. I may be cruel but I'm not that cruel. Is there anything I could torture Dylan with?"

Always, Huh?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora