Chapter 19: Kurapika's Rage

Start from the beginning

Kurapika sighed, "I never asked for your help."

Rin scoffed, "Without me, she would've died."

Kurapika was now ragging with anger, he could feel his vision going red. Rin sighed and left the room softly closing the door. Kurapika released his breath as well and sat down on the bed. He rested his hands on his forehead. (Y/n) still seemed to be sleeping... somehow. He was a bit relieved.. he didn't want you to know that he had a argument with Rin. Suddenly, he heard you shifting in the bed knowing that you were going to wake up. "Kurapika...? What happened?"

"(Y/n), you're awake," he responded.

"Was Rin here? I heard her voice."

"Yes... she was."

"Well, where is she?"

"I think she's in the hall..."

"Okay, I'll be right back I guess."

You left the room leaving Kurapika staring down at his own shadow....


There was a shadow cast on Rin's face when you approached her. Her back was pressed against the wall and she was still wearing her typical dark purple hood. "Rin?" you asked. She looked up at you and grinned.

"(Y/n), long time no see," she said calmly.

"Where have you been?"

"The Phantom Troupe figured out about Uvogin... they're after us now, I'm just trying to hide."

"The Phantome Troupe..." you mumbled, "let them come after me, I won't care until I get my revenge!" you said as your aura's tension increased. Rin's eyes were in shock, she didn't know how powerful your aura was since she's never actually seen you fight. After your aura became stable, Rin told you that she was going to leave again. "But why Rin?" you asked sadly.

"I just have... to," she said as she whispered the last part. Rin pulled her hood back on and left the hallway.


You walked back to the room where you and Kurapika slept and saw him still sitting on the bed. His hands where in his lap with his leg spread apart. His golden blonde bangs were glistening, but once again, you couldn't see his beautiful eyes staring back at you. You've never seen him this unresponsive before. You swallowed your saliva down your dry throat as you approached him. "Kurapika you... what happened between you and Rin?"

"I really don't know," Kurapika responded plainly. You released the tension from sighing and sat next to him on the bed. You rested your head on top of Kurapika's broad shoulder. You found that it was difficult to stay awake any longer. Your eyes felt droopy and heavy.

"Are you sure?" you asked breathlessly. Kurapika paused for a second and thought about what you said; he did backlash at her.

"I might have been a bit harsh... I was just exhausted. I'll go apologize.." Kurapika turned to face you but you were already asleep. He smiled and lay you back onto the bed. Your hair was spread out on either side of you with your lips parted. In Kurapika's opinion, you are so peaceful to look at while you are sleeping. He climbed in next to you and finally closed his eyes.


In the morning, sunlight streamed through the windows blinding Kurapika's vision. He sat up slowly and saw that (Y/n) was already awake. What he didn't notice was that she wasn't wearing a... shirt. She was wearing a (color) lacy bra. Fortunately, her back was facing him and she held her shirt up against her chest. Blush dusted Kurapika's cheeks while trying to lay back down pretending to sleep once again, but it failed. (Y/n) heard the shuffling of the bed and turned around. The look on her face wasn't very pleasant. "KURAPIKA!! WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ASLEEP!!" She quickly took her (favorite color) t-shirt and slipped it on. The outfit that she was wearing was a t-shirt, (black/blue) jeans and (color) converse.

"U-uhh.." was all Kurapika managed to say.

"Anyways," you said while blushing as well, "you should get up, we slept in late." Kurapika looked at the digital clock that read '10:53 am.' He just nodded, but remembered something.

"Where's Rin?" he asked.

"Rin? I don't know. She just left," you said quietly, "Why?"

"I'm going to apologize to her."

"So you guys did get into a fight," you said while frowning.

"Yes... we did."

When you and Kurapika went outside, you two happened to see Rin sitting by a fountain. She looked up at you and said, "(Y/n)? Kurapika? W-what are you doing here?" she stuttered.

"Rin! Kurapika has something to tell you." you said excitedly.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Rin, gomen, I was very harsh back there. I knew you were just trying to help. Please, forgive me," he apologized. Rin sat up and smiled.

"It's alright, I forgive you." she said calmly once again.


Later at night, Light Nostrade ordered you, Kuarpika, and Melody to watch over Neon since she passed out mysteriously and was now in the hospital. The auction was currently resuming.

"Melody," Kuarpika said, "I'm going to the auction, I heard that the scarlet eyes are being auctioned there. Stay here with Neon."

"B-but Kurapika--" Light stuttered.

"Don't worry your daughter will be safe I'll be right back," Kurapika assured, "(Y/n)'s coming with me as well."

"Okay then," Light responded.

When you and Kurapika arrived to the auction, two men approached you two. "You know, the leader of the Phantom Troupe is dead."

"NANI?!" Kurapika asked with surprise. You were in just as much shock. Kurapika pushed past them and saw the lifeless corpse of Chrollo's along with the other Phantom Troupe members. Kurapika's eyes widened in disbelief as if all of his insides were crushed. (Y/n) and him never achieved they're goal. He looked over at (Y/n) and saw that she was carrying the same thoughts. Her eyes glistened in distress.

"Kurapika..." you said as you looked at him, "we can't forget, the eyes are still being auctioned."

He nodded and grabbed your hand as you rushed towards the auction site. Inside, he saw the scarlet eyes being presented. When he tried to bid 350 million jenny for them, someone else contradicted him and bid a billion for them. "Kuso!" Kurapika cursed. However, you and Kurapika finally won them over for 2.9 billion jenny.

Kurapika was carrying the scarlet eyes while his own eyes burned scarlet. His eyes were now covered by his glowing blonde hair.*

"Kurapika--" you were cut off by seeing that his shoulders were shaking up and down. Tears were streaming down his face and dripping on the ground. You grabbed the eyes and set them on the ground while hugging him tightly. Kurapika's scarlet eyes started to fade away and his tears stained your (color) shirt. He's never cried this much before.

~to be continued~

*The picture above shows what happened

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