Chapter 2

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We were in the jet Natasha was flying it , Cap, my brother and I were stood watching Loki whom I must say looked rather hot.

"I don't like it" Captain America said.
"What? Rock of ages giving up so easily?" Tony replied.
"I don't remember it being that easy this guy packs a wallop"
Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder and a loud crack of lightening.
"Where did this come from?" Natasha asked.
I looked over at Loki who looked quite scared.
"Whats the matter scared of a little lightening?" Captain said.
"I'm not overly fond of what follows" Loki replied.
We looked at each other confused, then there was a loud thud on top of the jet.
Tony put his helmet on and opened the door to see what the thud was. A man dressed silver armour with a red cape landed on the open door.
He looked like royalty almost like a king.
He sent Tony flying into me and Cap and then grabbed Loki and jumped off of the jet.
Me and Tony immediately got up and walked towards the edge.
"Stark we need a plan of attack" Captain shouted to Tony.
"I have a plan. Attack." Tony replied as he jumped off of the jet.

I followed him down I suppose now on my descent I should explain how I'm flying. Well I have powers I was born with them I can make force-fields so I can wrap a bubble like force-field around me and control where it goes so i can fly through the air but also I can capture people in the force-fields or just sort of throw them at people. The fun thing about them is each one can be a different colour i can make them transparent so that i can become invisible. I can turn them black and put them to camera lenses so that what I'm doing isn't seen. It's pretty cool.

Tony flew into Thor and took him to the ground I stayed with Loki.

"I'm listening" Loki smirked.
"Well before your brother flew into mine he said listen well"
"You're a cocky one aren't you" I chuckled.
I pulled out a bag of Haribos Starmix
"Want some?"
He looked at them sceptical.
"I'm not trying to poison you I'm giving you food whilst we watch our brothers beat the shit out of each other"
"Fine then" he said taking one
"Like them?"
"These are amazing, have you learned the rest of your powers yet?"
"What do you mean?"
"You create force-fields don't you? I bet that's not all you can do"
"What do you think i can do?"
"Try to read my mind"
I concentrated on Loki staring into his emerald eyes as I attempted to get into his thoughts
"This isn't working"
Maybe it is
"Did you just?"
"You got into my thoughts well done"
I was speechless
This midgardian is so innocent looking she is very beautiful though STOP IT LOKI DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS THOR do not fall for a midgardian
"You think I'm beautiful?"
"How did you get into my thoughts I'd blocked you out"
"Obviously not and my name is Alice in case you wanted to stop calling me midgardian"
"Hello Alice"

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