Chapter 32 (Last)

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Please read author's note at the end, more info of what's going to happen next

I woke up in a dark room with wires stuck on my sweating hot skin. There was a burn in my wrists, but I ignored it. Beside me, was a familiar face. Beth? I blinked a few times to see if I was hallucinating, nope. And so, I ask the obvious question no one will answer, what the heck is she doing here?! A slight shock coursed through my body and I jerked.

"Ah, your awake," a disgusting voice said. I groaned in annoyance and lifted my head up. "Ah- ah, I wouldn't do that," Adam smirked. And I immediately understood why, my head started to pound and I started to get light headed. Adam walked up to where I was laying (a lab desk I suppose) and smiled brightly. Using his magic, he brought a bright red potion over and placed it on the table next to me.

"What are you doing?" My voice sounded groggy as I asked him a simple question. The witch continued to mix different liquids together, now creating a dark blue liquid. I watched as he pulled out a syringe and filled it with the potion. He walked over to Beth and injected her with it.

I got angry. "Adam fucking Wimpy asswipe, what the fuck do you think your doing!" I started to move my hands and the burning increased, I shouted in pain. Silver, damn him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, be a good girl and watch your language," he said calmly. I ignored him continuing to yell, " where is my mate- s?! Where is Xavier?! You. Dumb. Bastard!" I growled and jerked due to the pain.

"Close your mouth or you won't be talking for the rest of your life young lady!" Adam warned setting down the syringe. I heard Beth groan and she started to change color. I gasped as Adam smiled brightly.

** Xavier
I woke up in a dark room. The smooth attack Adam made was quite a show. I hear grunts to my right. Blake had silver chains around his wrists and ankles. I however, was tied to the wall with thick ropes and had wires stuck in my head.

Blake growled. I turned my attention to the black and red wolf who stood there. He shifted, revealing an red eyed Niall. He was being controlled. Niall smirked and stalked towards us.

"Hello weaklings," he sneered. "Actually-" Blake started, but Niall cut in. "Silence!" Blake's voice was hoarse, as if he was screaming his lungs out.

I couldn't hear what Niall was saying because all I thought about was Jordan (Xavier's mate). I told her that I was going to go back to her. What if she comes? Or tries to look for me? It's dangerous.

My wolf growled in my head. A hard punch to the jaw had me sending a death glare to Niall.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated. "Let's go," he said and began to untie me. The ropes fell to the ground. I was thinking about putting up a fight, but I felt so weak. Niall dragged me to another room and placed me into a chair.

"Xavier!" I knew that voice.

** Jennifer
Adam had me tied back to the 'bed'. There was no use screaming. I wonder if anyone actually realizes that we're gone. Adam approached me.

"Come on darling," he chuckled. He held a syringe and a cloth. I shook my head and started to thrash around. "Stop! Please!" I beg him. The door opens to my relief and Niall came in.

"Xavier's mate had just arrived," he smirked. I gasp, making his attention turn to me. I saw a small red swirl in his coal black eyes. His smirk turned into a full blown smile. It scared me.

Adam untied me and yanked me to my feet. I took one last look at Beth before Adam pushed me into a room. I heard crying in the room. A small light shone in the room. I scooted towards the crying person.

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