"It might be simple, but reaching it means a lot to me. My family too. My parents were never able to achieve their dreams. So if I can, it will be great. We can all be happy. Satisfied. Are you so high and mighty that you think your dreams are so much more important than mine?" Sasuke was taken aback by her outburst.

"Stupid. I never said that," he snapped, flicking her forehead.

"Well... Sorry... I overreacted..." Emi pouted, looking down.

Her dreams had always been a sensitive subject for Emi. After all the failures in her family, she felt like her little dream was really grand. When he called it simple, she just... snapped.

A little sliver of fear worked its way into her heart. What he got really mad at her outburst and didn't come back again? She had to really play it off. She had to think of a way to change the subject. She couldn't risk losing him because if she did, she might just lose all her hope too.

"Yeah, you did overreact, stupid." She punched him lightly in the arm.

"Shut up..." she muttered. Emi suddenly looked up at Sasuke, finally thinking of a subject change.

"What's your dream?" she asked. He picked up some bread and sniffed it. He frowned.

"Sweet..." He put it back in the basket.

"You have nothing more to bribe me with, so I don't need to answer," he said. She frowned, looking up at him with big eyes, but he didn't budge.

"Ah, Sasuke!" a loud voice yelled. Sasuke scowled.

"Great..." he mumbled. She tilted her head, obviously confused.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm leaving," He said bluntly before quickly walking away. She watched him for as long as she could, but after a moment, it was like he had simply disappeared.

As soon as he was out of sight, a girl with long pink hair ran over to her. She was frowning.

"Where did Sasuke go?" the girl asked. Emi blinked, then frowned.

"Uh... He just walked away... Who are you?" The pink hair girl blinked in surprise as if she just realized she had walked up to a stranger.

"I'm Sakura," she said.

"Emi," she said, and they shook hands.

"How do you know Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"He takes my bread. He doesn't technically pay for it... But..."

Emi sighed.

"He's a handful and I've only known him two days..." Emi muttered. Sakura smiled dreamily.

"Yeah... He's great..." Emi rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. She wished that she had someone that she could care deeply about like Sakura did.

Though she couldn't quite see why Sakura would be so interested in him. His personality wasn't the best, so it would have to be his looks, right? Emi had been so focused on her bread that she had never really paid attention to what Sasuke looked like. But now that she was thinking about it, he was pretty cute...

A blush came to her cheeks and she pushed the thoughts away.

"That's not at all what I said..." Emi pointed out.

"Sasuke is amazing! He's so strong and cool..." Sakura sighed happily.

"That was not what we were talking about..." Emi mumbled. Sakura, who finally seemed to hear her for once, blushed.

"S-sorry! I just... Well..." Emi shook her head, smiling.

"It's okay. As long as you try one of these!" Emi smirked, picking up the sweet bread and handing it to her.

"Oh... I don't know..." Sakura said.

"Sasuke sniffed it," Emi said, and Sakura didn't hesitate to grab it.

Emi smirked. She could use Sasuke's looks to her advantage and bring in more customers! Maybe she could go around asking girls if they knew who Sasuke was, and then sell them bread that he just touched... He could be the secret to her success.

"Uh... I don't have any money..." Emi mentally smacked herself. What was so hard about bringing money when you're walking around town?!

"You don't need to pay. As long as you come back." Emi smiled as Sakura nodded, staring at the bread in her hands as she walked away. Emi was a bit afraid the other girl had some kind of shrine for Sasuke and she would put there instead of eating it. If Sakura knew Sasuke then she probably went to the academy.

And academy kids were strange. Especially that one kid who recently graffitied an important landmark. What was his name... Naruto? So much gossip was circling around town that it was hard to keep track.

But she shouldn't worry about that. She had other things to worry about. Like making a lot more bread. Sasuke still looked hungry after what he had gotten. Who knew how much that boy could eat before he was satisfied...


Oh, hello, the author is here and has edited again, two years later.... I added more detail and some paragraphs that I hoped would make Emi seem less crazy, haha. I haven't reread this story in a while so I was kinda shook when she just snapped at him...

I feel like forgetting your stories is something that should not happen as an author. Whoops. Anyway, I'm going to try and push through and edit all the other chapters in one day!! Thanks for reading, everyone!

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