The Mission

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During the two days, the guys prepared for their mission. They noticed that Evan seemed more pissed off than usual. He usually got like this, but this time it was different. He wasn't talking to anyone. He just kept to himself. He was so angry at what Javier was doing, but no one said anything. They just did as they were told, and continued with the preparations.

»Time skip to the day of the mission»

The guys were on their way to the warehouse. MiniLadd was driving, Lui was in the passenger seat, Nogla, Moo and Terrorizer were in the back of the van. Moo and Terrorizer were on their computers watching the cameras, keeping a look out. Wildcat was talking to them through their earpiece speakers. "Ok guys, you know the plans. Don't. Fuck. Up. Because if you do, we will have to to hear shit from Vanoss and I don't want to deal with that shit. So, again. Don't fuck up."

"Don't worry Wildcat, we got this. We haven't fucked up a mission since we first formed this crew." Lui looked back at Nogla who was dressed like a gangster. He needed to fit in with the rest of the thugs, and he really looked the part. The only thing that was a little off was that he was wearing his low baggy pants that made him look like he had a diaper. "I don't know about Nogla, but the rest of us got this shit."

"Hey!" Nogla shouted, and everyone laughed. You can even hear Wildcat laughing over the speaker.

After the laughing died down, Wildcat went back to being serious. "Ok guys. Me, Vanoss, and Basically are going to be waiting on stand by a few blocks away, just in case you need back up. You got this boys."

MiniLadd pulled over into an alley way and looked back at the guys. "We're here. Take your positions guys. Remember the plan."

Lui put on his monkey mask and climbed up on the building across from the warehouse, setting up his sniper rifle and equipment. When he was done he spoke into his earpiece. "Ok, Mini. I'm all set up. Send him in."

MiniLadd turned to Nogla and motioned for him to get out of the truck. "Nogla, it's your turn. Ok. Remember you're supposed to be a thug. So don't do anything goofy. Please."

Nogla just nodded and headed across the street toward the warehouse. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the big steel doors. A buff shirtless man with a gun answered. He had a big mustache and a cigar in his mouth. He seemed to be in a bad mood. "Where the fucking have you been. Delirious has been waiting for your ass to get here all day." The man looked Nogla up and down and let out an unamused laugh "These are the type of guys they're recruiting these days, huh? Shit." He let out a disapproving sigh. "Whatever. Follow me."
Nogla followed the man through the warehouse. Everyone he passed was staring him down. They got to a staircase leading to what looks like an small office inside the building. There was windows on it and you could see there was a silhouette of two men standing inside.
The man stopped and turned toward Nogla, placing his finger on Nogla's chest, but Nogla kept his cool and acted like it didn't bother him. "Alright, newbie this is our stop. Go on up. Delirious is waiting for you up there. If I were you I'd be careful because he-" The man was cut of by the sound of shattering glass. They both looked back quickly to see what just happened. All they saw was a silhouette of a tall man standing at a freshly broken upstairs window. He was staring their way, and there was the second man on the bottom floor laying down motionless, losing a lot of blood. He threw him out the window.
Nogla gulped as quietly as he could, and looked back at the man with the mustache who had an evil smirk on his face. He finally finished his sentence. "He's known to have a short temper." Nogla looked up at the man standing in the window and the man in the window slowly backed away. The mustache man whispered into his ear with a taunting voice. "Go on, Newbie. The longer you wait the more pissed off he'll be."
Nogla walked up the stairs trying to keep himself calm as he slowly took each step. He opened the door to a man in a blue hoodie with his back facing him. His hands and his hoodie we're covered in blood. Nogla noticed the knife in his hand and he tried to keep his composure as he spoke. "Hey. I'm, Rafael. I'm here for the Jo-"

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