"Kankuro! I swear if you don't put him down this minute, I will beat you up like the last hundred times you challenged me" I growled.

"Yuki" he said in disbelieve, "But your dead" he said mouth open wide.

"I did die, I am the spirit of Yuki and I came back to save the unicorn from extinction, of course it's me" I laughed grinning. He put down Konohamaru and he ran over to Naruto and the others.

"I can't believe it's you, and captain got small" he said. Temari walked up.

"Is that who I think it is" she asked seeming distanced. I slide of Captain's back and hobbled over on my clutches.

"What on earth happen to you" He said.

"Well, I may or may not have you the blood strangle Jutsu that my dad told me not to use and got paralyzed-ish, but it's warring off, so can't complain, just can't really use my legs" I smiled.

"YOU DID WHAT" they both shouted at me. I saw a familiar mop of red hair.

"Is that who I think it is" My grin got bigger. "Gaara!" I shouted and flinging myself at the red head. Dropping my clutches and knocking us both to the ground. After a long silence.

"Get off or I'll kill you" He grumbled.

"You never change and I can't move legs" I grinned at him and I saw a flash of something in his eyes. His sand curled around my body and throw me against the wall and i slowed myself down with my blood. My friends Screamed at because. I busted out laughing. They stared at me as if I had hit my head.

"Well that was fun. Temari, give me a hand" I asked and she give me my clutches.

"I am amazed you are not dead" she said helping me up.


"Oh yeah sorry, my clan didn't belong to a village but we were allied with the sand village so I spent a lot of time with the Kazekage's kids. The rude one with the make-up is Kankuro, the pretty one with the over sized fan is Temari and the dashing prince with red hair is Gaara" I laughed pointing at each one in turn. "Oh and these are my friends for the Leaf, The Pinkette with the temper is Sakura, The Noisy one is Naruto, The three kids are Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi. And last but not least the Stalker hiding on the roof of the building over is my boyfriend, Sasuke" I said pointing out Sasuke, who hopped down from the building.

"Such a long way from home, why are you here?" He asked.

"We are here for the chunin exams" Kankuro informed.

"Hey you with the gourd what's your name" He asked.

"If you were listen you should know"

"Gaara" He said before walking away, I waved goodbye to Temari and Kankuro and watched them go.

  The same day Kakashi got us all together. Me on Captain's back because it was so much faster to get places.

"As I am sure you have heard the Chunin exams are starting soon" Kakashi started. "I wasn't going to enter you guys because the teams are three but because Yuki went and over done it and can't move her legs, I will sign you up if you guys if you think you are up for it" he smiled under the mask. They looked so excited, Naruto and Sakura jumped for enjoy and Sasuke even had a smirk on his face. Naruto's face suddenly dropped.

"Yuki, are you ok with this" He asked. I barked a laugh.

"I couldn't be happier but if any of you come back missing a limb you will have hell to pay" I said putting on a fake smile, his face didn't lift. "Look to till you the truth I really wanted to be a team but there is always next year" I cut my finger. My blood swirled in the air slowly forming five kunai and crystallizes the blood, my family motto printed into the shiny red surface. They float down to Sakura, me, Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto.

"Blood is thicker than water, but some water can become blood." Kakashi amused.

"What does it mean" looking in awe at the print. I laughed.

"Family always sticks together but not also families have the same blood. In other words, you guys are my family" I smiled, "Now you guys become chunin, for me, but don't kill yourselves doing it" I smiled. They all nodded. "Kakashi can I talk to you" I asked. He nodded. he transported me, him and captain, and it took me a while to realized we on the cliff with the past hokage's faces.

"So what is it Yuki" he asked.

"Have you heard any news, about my brother" I asked him looking over the leaf village.

"I'm sorry, I have heard nothing, maybe he has gone into hiding" he said which was reasonable.

"Your right, it's been almost six months. This is the longest I have ever been away for him, for he knows I am dead. I hope he is not like Sasuke, I just want him to be safe. I remember whenever me and him was playing on the hills and it was time for diner, my mother would sing that lullaby and somehow wherever we were, we could always hear it. no matter home far we ran, that melody would bring us home. Do you think if I sung it, he would heard it" I asked.

"You could try" he said puffing away.

(bold is song lyrics)

Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby

back to the years, loo-li lai-lay

and I'll sing you to sing and I'll you tomorrow

bless you with love, for the road that you go

May you sail fair; to the far fields of fortune,

with diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet,

and may you need never to banish misfortune;

May you find kindness in all that you meet

May there always be angels, to watch over you;

to guide you each step of the way

to guard you and keep you safe from all harm;

loo-li loo-li lai-lay

May you bring love and may you bring happiness;

be loved in return, till the end of your days;

Now, fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you

I'll just sat for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay

May there always be angels, to watch over you;

to guide you each step of the way

to guard you and keep you safe from all harm;

loo-li loo-li lai-lay

loo-li loo-li lai-lay...

I miss you Akira.

(Unknown p.o.v)

The melody floated to my ears, it was beautiful melody of my passed. I turned from the way he had come, the wind picking up the leafs, making them dance in the air. I closed my eyes and pictured her face. So sweet and kind, why did she have to leave. No, why was she taken from me. I promised myself, if she ever appears to me again, this time I would protect her. I promise to never let her go again. If could find her. I knew she couldn't be taken from this world it was impossible. I would find my way home to her and this time I would protect her.

"What are you doing staring off into space, Leader will be angry if we don't get back soon" Kisame spit angrily.

"She is out there and I will find her" I said catching up to the blue skinned man and my black haired comrade.

"You always talk about this girl you have to find, who is she and what happen to her" Kisame smirked and I knew he had love on the brain.

"She was my sister and she was taken from me because I wasn't strong enough to protect her" I said my hand curling around the cold metal of her ring around the black mental chain.

"Hurry up we have to get back, then you can have chit chat" Itachi said. I will find you, my Yuki.

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