"Yuki Tora, I am one of the last survives of the Tora clan who process the kekkei genkai, known as blood lust" I introduced myself, having nothing to hide.

"This may be personal but... why were you in the river bound by chain and why were you dressed as a boy" Kakashi asked. I looked down. I knew that I could be safe in this village and now they thought he was dead, I could be safe and so could he. But could I trust this man.

"Was trying to protect someone dear to me" I sighed, " my brother. Our kekkei genkai is hard to control and one day... he lost control and killed his best friend from the village. The villages had never liked our clan and were happy we were dying out. Rightfully so, our past is not a pretty one. I knew the price of his crime so I dressed in his clothes and told him to run and I took his place. It is my duty as the elder to protect. I can only hope that he got away safe and sound and the villagers are satisfied and will not come looking for me which in this case is him" my hands clenched into fists and tears of blood ran down my face. Kakashi jumped back a little.

"It's ok, it's my kekkei genkai" I said, he looked and he wanted me to continue. "Bloodlust is a kekkei genkai that is genetic. It is the power to maturation of blood, my own and/or someone or something else's. my blood can regenerate at a inhuman speed, so I can't die from blood loss. I can also sense other peoples blood lust, everyone has a least a little in them, even babies are not completely free of blood lust. the last time I saw my mum and dad they told me I was very gifted and it was true, I found it easy to control my kekkei genkai however my brother was not the same. He is at my level but he would train till he would past out or sometimes lose control" I wiped my eyes. "These eyes are the mark of the Tora clan's kekkei genkai" I smiled at him. "Creepy right?" I give him a wide eyed smile and snickered which he seem uncomfortable. He move on quickly.

"Well, I'm going to report this to our leader, the third hokage, so you will not have to repeat yourself-" I cut him off by shaking my head.

"I wish to speak with your hokage if that is all possible" I said.

(in the hokage's office and have gone over everything Yuki has said)

The hokage looked me over and sighed a little, blowing out smoke from his pipe.

"The thought that someone so young can do something so brave puts a little hope in me" he said after a long while. "Is there anything I can do for you" he asked.

"Actually there is" I started, "I wish to stay in the village become stronger, so that next time I can do more. I have nowhere to go and nowhere to return too, I know most of the basics about chakra and a few jutsu. So I wondering if I come stay. I beg you to give me a second chance" I asked looking hopeful pleading eyes.

"I don't see why not" he said and I grinned at him, "I will give you an apartment and you will get an allowance really month. Apartment 13B will do. You start at the academy tomorrow. I will have someone drop off some clothes and shoes in the flat for you" he smile and I was jumping for joy then I remember how I was in a hospital drown and I could the hokage's and Kakashi's cheeks brush.

"Oh sorry, I should probably leave" I said taking the key that the hokage offer me and leaving quick Kakashi hot on my heels.

As me and Kakashi walked through the streets and I started to notice an inhuman bloodlust. I have only ever sense something like this with a jinchuuriki.

"Kakashi?" I asked.

"What is it?" he asked.

"You have a jinchuuriki in you village don't you, I can sense its bloodlust, it's not as strong as the jinchuuriki's I meet before but it was unmistakable" I said, the image of my red haired jinchuuriki friend.

"I was worried you would pick up on that, yes we do, he is around your age and he doesn't know about it. I believe he is you next door neighbor" he said.

"Poor kid, being hatred for something you don't know anything about" I said, "Once, when I was around 7 my mother, took me to the sand village and I met there jinchuuriki. He was so lonely, so sad. But he was the only one who dared to come in reach of me when I lost control. We have been friends even since. I would write to him but one day he stopped responding. I wonder how he is doing" I said as Kakashi stopped outside and apartment compax.

"Here we are, I'll see you around yuki" he said waving one hand as he walked away.

"Bye Kakashi, thank you saving me" to called after him. I walked to the top of the stair and found my new apartment.

When I unlocked the door and walked in I found that there were indeed clothes and shoes waiting for me. the was also a brown envope which I'm guess was the money. Good thing I used to handle the money at home. I shook my head. There no time to remember. I also found that they were nice enough to buy something's you can't live without. I tried on the clothes that were lefted out. There was a red vest with a fish net long sleeved shirt to go over it. A good bra and match black pants. A pair of black skin tight shorts that when to my knees, a red silted skirt and a pair of black ninja sandals to top it off. I had to say whoever picked out the clothes had great sense of style.

After changing and putting on my black chain with my brothers black metal ring on it round my neck. I decided to be a good neighbor and introduce myself. So I walked over to next door and loudly knocked. A minute later a blonde boy a little smaller than me stepped out.

"Can I help you?" he said a little wide eyed.

"No, I just moved in next door and I thought I would introduce myself" I smiled and he brushed a little.

"Well I'm Naruto Uzumaki, future hokage, Believe it!" he said loudly. I giggled.

"Yuki Tora, I hope we can be friends because I can tell my kids about how I was friends with the hokage" I smiled.

" Wow, when you smile your even prettier than Sakura" he said.

"Aww, you sweet, maybe you can show me the way to the academy tomorrow" I laughed.

"No problem, I'm in the academy as well so it's on my way" he said.

"Cool, it's a date, bye" I said turning to go back to my apartment.

(Naruto's p.o.v)

Date. that one word kept in my ears and I felt my ears get red. She also said she wanted to be friends. She was more than pretty, her eyes seeming to hold you in a trance. Those eyes were amazing and when she smiled I felt my heart stop. She said she also wanted to be friends. I could not wait to see her again.

One bloody tale (Naruto fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now