I'm In If You're In

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"Hey day dreamer can you get that latte going!?" My manager yelled from the other side of the shop.

"Uh-um-yeah coming right up sorry, Joe." I stumbled.

"Joe? I told her to call me sir." He scoffed to himself. "What do think about when you break from reality anyhow?

"Can't talk now, making a latte. ONE 16oz NON FAT VANILLA LATTE FOR MARK!"

My manager is a creep; loves to embarrass me in front of customers and my co-workers. As soon as that closed sign goes up and I'm working on going getting done so I can leave, he gets quite playfully chatty and sometimes touchy. 

"I don't care what you're doing you answer me when I speak to you. And I told you to call me sir I am of authority to you."

"Actually JOE, You are a manager of a coffee shop in downtown Seattle, who likes to hit on female employe's WHO MAY I ADD are still in High School! What are you like 27 years old? Grow up.You are not of AUTHORITY to me! You may be in AUTHORITY of how I work but you can not force me to speak!" I clapped on almost every syllable.

I'm a senior and I'm graduating in two weeks but still I was making a point.

"I want you out. Like now I will handle the rest of the orders on own." 

"Good luck Pencil Dick considering you have never lifted a finger in this shop."

I looked over and seen my best friend Iris standing at the counter and yelling "PREACH IT SISTAH". We have been inseparable since 6th grade and I wondered how long she had been standing there.

I took as much as I was owed out of the cash register and a little more when he wasn't looking.

"Oh and because I don't work here anymore I'll take a 16oz Carmel machiato" I looked over at Iris who was laughing hystericaly on the ground by another customer. "Make that two" and I threw my apron at him. He tried to refuse but hey, I'm a customer now. I took my money and the tip jar with an easy $150 in it because I hadn't collected in quite a while, and also this is Seattle and everyone is a coffee critic.

That carmel machiato was the best ever because it was like a Magestic Machiato of Justice. Yeah, Magestic Machiato of Justice. I worked at that coffee shop for 3 years and delt with that douchnozzle. 

Iris's POV:

I walked in just as Tori was telling her boss off. I hate him so much he has always made her uncomfortable and she has had to stop me from coming in here and doing a douchnzzle beat down a few times.

Although walking in and seeing a 5"3 thin girl with long blond wavy beach like hair with a bow in blue and white polka dot bow in it pulling it back from her face. Telling a 6"5 guy with dark hair and a dark complexion off was easily the best moment ever!

Tori and I have had this crazy thought in our heads since the 7th grade that we were going to move to London and live in a flat and meet sexy British boys and be super happy and stuff! We both knew it probably wasn't going to happen but it's okay.

We could though we both have had jobs for a little over three yeas and not spent a penny. Needless to say we have saved a lot, it's just the matter of actually doing it. That's the issue.

Tori's POV:

I feel so free! And jobless I'll give it a week then start looking. Iris and I were walking down the road and looking at various shoppes and kind of just enjoying eachothers company like usual.

"Remember when we thought we were going to move to London?" Iris asked suddenly.

"I still want to go to London what are you talking about Willis?" I threw ack humorously,

What Happens in London (A Dan Howell/Phil Lester/Jack and Finn Harries FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now