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Lisa's POV

I start to make phone calls to get plane tickets to get back to the boys and as soon as i start calling I receive a phone call from zayn

I stare at the phone for a few seconds and then press






Decline decline

"Hello?" Zayn says and I say quiet "lisa?" He asks again "hello??"

I feel my heart beat getting faster

My hearts gonna fly out of my chest

"Hi" I say fast and he chuckles "Lisa I missed your voice " and I bite my lip "oh I wouldn't think that you did because after all you have so many girls after you I'm sure you would have forgotten about me" I say kind of mad

"Lisa did you read the letter I sent you ?" He asks "yeah what was the point of it to make me feel guilty!?" I say annoyed

"No no no! I made it to tell you that I love you since you didn't want to speak maybe you would hear me out if I wrote it " he says so nicely

"So NOW you love me?" I ask annoyed "I have always loved you! Why don't you ever believe me!?" He says angry "you expect me to believe you when you never believed me?! Wow that's so fair !" Note the sarcasm at the end

"Look I'm sorry I was jealous I refused to listen but please Lisa come back I want to see you and tell you face to face that I love you and that I'm so damn sorry that I was being a jerk!" He confesses

Just then I hear downstairs Alison shouts "mother fucking paps!" And I sigh "I have to go oh and zayn I'm going back on tour with you guys see you" I say hanging up and going down the stairs

"What's wrong !??" I say concerned and Alison points at the Tv

"Alison had a big ass hissy looks like somebody needs some anger management treatments " says a lady and a picture of Alison with her fist up to the camera appears "also speakin of the one direction girlfriends word got out by a fan who APPARENTLY saw Lisa and Harry having a little sex fun in their tour bus while zayn and the guys were out performing and it was reported that Harry stayed because he was 'sick'" she says in air quotes the last part

All our mouths drop open

"Looks like one girl needs to get anger managing classes and the other should sign up to prostitude for 19 year old, Harry Styles " she says and I switch the tv off

All of us are speechless

"Mother fucking bitch that has no damn life! If anything, she needs some damn anger management classes and she should fucking sign up to prostitude for her own mama!" I shout and Alison pulls me back "calm down!" She says and I get angry again "no I'm trying To get things back to Normal but I cant since now everyone knows me and Harry know!" I say and she smiles "I know now calm down I'm sorry your too funny when your mad " she says and I roll my eyes

Just then my mom walks in "hey Lisa " she says

"Hi mom"

She looks over at Niall "hello I'm Niall James Horan , Alison's boyfriend sorry to be here I wanted to know If you would allow me To stay here to sleep only for a few days before I go back on tour " he says while shaking my mom hand she nods in confusion but goes slog with it and then I explain "I'm going bak on tour I need to work things out "I say and she sighs "Lisa idiot have enough money to pay for your trip" I whine "please" just then niall cuts in "oh no worries I'm paying for all of them "

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