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Zayns POV

as we drop that girl off we take the disguises off and we just wear are hoodies.

"whos the pretty girl?" asks harry. i turn around to look at him in the back seats and see him leaning on the window. " yea about that....i dont know her um..." i say turning around and slouching in my seat

" haha let me guess. you dont know her name!?" harry says and starts laughing. "shut up!" i mumble. and liam is holding back his laugh. niall is bursting in laughter and louis is chuckling back there.

"so thats the girl you were telling us about yesterday?" liam asks making a U turns to our hotel. " yea im giving her the last couple VIP tickets" i tell them .

just then we come across screaming fans ouside the hotel and security are in the garage parkway. " how we getting in now?" asks niall.

" if we let them open the gates for us to get in obviously fans are gonna run inside also" says louis.

Lisa POV

im in alegbra and i sit next to Alison. she is asking me all these questions in a note like:

should i wear my hair up or down when i meet them?

what should i wear?

do you think i will impress louis wearing my red toms?


after alegebra :

" OMBNWLNandos! " she yells as she looks at her phone while we walk to spanish.

"what ?' i ask her confused. "what does the even stand for?" i ask. she looks up from her phone and says " Oh My Beautiful Niall Who Loves nandos" she says saying it really quick. i look at her like wtf . " wow..." i say rolling my eyes.

she says " will arent you gonna ask whats wrong?" i whine as she says that. " fine.... WHATS WRONG?" i ask her. "kelly is at the hotel One Direction's at and she said they just got of a van and trying to get throught the whole stampede of fans!!" she says and shows me a picture of them in the crowd.

" so she ditched school to see them at a hotel when i am getting you VIP tickets?" i ask. " she didnt know that you were getting them!" she says and rolls her eyes.

i roll my eyes also and then the bell rings. " we're late! damn!" says alison. " calm your tits we can ditch also!" i say pulling her back. " oh true haha ok! forget spanish!" she says.

we look around and see no one then we run to the doors and open them and run off.

Zayn's POV

finally, we made it to our room.

i lay on my bed and think of that girl im giving the tickets to. she is just....unique.

something about her makes her special and different she is just so relaxed and acts cool around us.

i look at the time only 9:30  am. cant wait till 2:45.

im gonna escape from the back of the hotel and gonna go get some ice cream.

Lisa's POV

we go to cold stone with Alison and she is hyper. " ice cream for breakfast thats cool " she says putting a spoonful if ice  cream in her mouth. " brain freeze!!" she shouts and drops her ice cream. " awhhhh!!!" she whines. i laugh and she frowns. " ill get you another one wait here ok hyper girl!" i say and giggles and she sits in one of the benches and starts looking around.


i go wait in line and i order and then a guy in a hoodie orders and comes sits next to  me and he has his head down so i cant see who it is.

" hey i knew it was you " he says still looking down. " excuse me?" i ask confused. he looks up "ohhh its you!" i say in a whipser as i realize its the guy from One Direction. " you are lucky that women isnt a teenage girl or she be fangirling." i say and he chuckles . " haha yea" . then they call out my order and i get up to get it.

then they call his. " hey remember i told you i had one of those directioner friends?" i ask him. he laughs " you actually remembered the term . "  and i roll my eyes and giggle. " yea so one of them is outside waiting for her ice cream so you wana go say hi to her?" i say getting up with Alisons ice cream.

" sure" he says and smiles. "come on smiley" i say and grab his hand and pull him outside . " make sure she doesnt see who you are until i give you a signal" i whisper . he nods

" hey Al" i say and she looks up. " so  are you calm?' i ask and she says " yup" and i set her ice cream down and i say " dont touch it yet" and she looks confused. " so if you met a celebrity would you scream ?  cause remember they are in disquise in public can you control yourself?' i ask her. " she nods "yea why you asking?"

i whistle . " hey im Zayn Malik" zayn says in a cute voice and grabs her hand and kisses it. "oh my! But you....One did?..." she says and faints . 

i catch her. "crud!" i yell and zayn helps me pick her up and set her down on a chair.

his hoodie falls off and two teenage girls pass us. " no way OMG your ZAYN!" one girl says. "from ONE DIRECTION!" the other says and that attracts attention. "" he says pulling his hoodie up and people start taking pictures and as i cover him people start asking " is that your girlfriend???"

alison blinks and sees the flashes and we pull her and run to zayns car. people sorround the car and we lock the doors .

"oh fuck..." i mumble

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