Kagami Taiga x Reader

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You and Kagami were old childhood friends. You two were inseparable until Kagami moved back to Japan. It made you really sad that you didn't get to see him everyday anymore especially when you almost build up the courage to tell him three special words.. I love you... But you never got to say them to him. But now its years later and you are in high school but not in America . your dad got offered a job in Japan and you had pleaded him to take it. So he did. Altough its already the second semester this was your first day at Seirin high school. You walked around the halls looking around curiously you were especially curious to see the sport hall. You loved to play Volleyball but you also loved basketball, but the thing is you tottaly sucked in basketball. You found your way to the gym and walked in to see the basketball club training. You looked at each player who were caught up in practice untill your eyes fell on a red haired boy. The red haired boy who you had loved since you first met. Your eyes widened and you ran up to him wrapping your arms around him tightly. At first Kagami was confused and looked down at you. You looked up at him and smiled widely. "Taiga!" His eyes widened in surprise and he embraced you tightly. "(Y/N) long time not seen! What are you doing here?" Kagami smiled widely as you let go of him and smiled. "My dad got offered a job in Japan so we moved here!" He grinned "Thats great!" Then he turned to Riko. "Coach can I go? I want to spend some time with my childhood girlfriend." Riko sighed and nodded. "I guess Thats okay.." You had a blush spread over your cheeks at his words and walked out of the gym with him sitting down at a bench. "G-Girlfriend?" You asked him blushing. He grinend looking at you. "Yes! I was madly in love with you when we were kids." Then he started mumbling. "I still am.. In love.. With y-you.." He said. You blushed at his words and blurted out. "I didn't get the chance to tell you back in america but I love you Taiga!" You looked away blushing but Kagami turned your head back pressing his lips to yours lovingly. "I love you.." He whispered against your lips. This were words who bound you together. Forever.

Guyssss please requests things xD

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