"The pack was under attack and you were sleeping?" I asked.

"Ali he was knocked out. I tried waking him up but it was of no use." Vivian tried defending him.

"So you were drunk?" I ask feeling angrier by the minute.

"I swear I did not touch even a drop of alcohol yesterday." He told. He looked sincere so I believed him. It was no coincidence that more than half the pack members were knocked out yesterday.

"Someone must have mixed something in the food. I want you to find who caused it. Caleb do what you have to. I want the culprit found." I tell sternly.

"Come to the study immediately." I mind link Gail, Rissa and their sister.

"You both can leave now." I dismiss Vivian and Caleb.

Caleb leaves but Vivian stays back. "Ali..." She starts only to be interrupted by Gail. "Alpha." He bows his head.

I look at Vivian silently asking her to leave. She does not move an inch. Giving up I study the newest members of our pack.

"Where were you all yesterday?" I ask.

"We were asleep, my mate and I. Then we heard you calling all warriors telling the pack was under attack. Rissa went to get her sister to find out that she was knocked out cold. I met with Vivian and helped take down some rogues in the clearing. Not many rogues were left by the time we reached there." He said. Rissa nodded seconding her mate and her sister just looked hungover. All three of them had pity in their eyes.

"How much of a coincidence is this. We accept some new members and the same day our pack gets attacked." This wiped out the pity in their face, replacing it with shock and disbelief.

"Alpha we are not behind any of this if that is what you are implying." Gail said firmly.

"Why were you both not knocked out? And you reach the clearing conveniently when all rogues were gone?" I ask harshly. I knew I was making some harsh comments and they did not deserve by judgement but I had to think in every possible way. I had no time to think about their feelings. I wanted the culprits and I wanted that grey wolf!

I could see that they were getting angry.

"I can see that you have already made your judgements. Do you want us to move to dungeons?" Rissa asked sarcastically. My wolf did not like this, neither did I.

"Not yet but you are not to leave the pack until I say so. I will find out the truth behind this. The person behind all this will pay. Leave now." I say in the coldest voice I can muster.

Gail and Rissa left but Rissa's sister stayed back. "We never meant to cause any harm Alpha. They just wanted a new start. Please don't make any judgements. They have been through a lot." She said before leaving.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I know you are sad but this does not give you the right to act out like this!" Vivian all but screamed.

"Didn't I ask you to leave? Don't raise your voice or question me. I am your Alpha." I said.

"I am leaving because you are being unreasonable. Don't even use the Alpha card on me. I will shout if I think you are wrong. I don't care even if you are the fûçking queen." She stormed out.

I started taking deep breaths to calm myself down. After a while I walk down to the kitchen to see Vivian, Tyler, Gail and Rissa talking. Vivian was trying to defend my actions.

"She has just lost her parents. She needs to know what happened. That is why she is being harsh on you. Please be patient." She tells Gail and they seem to understand and finally they leave. I do spot Rissa with a few tears while leaving. I did not feel bad for them. I know they did not deserve my blind accusations but I am still suspicious of them. I felt touched by the fact that Vivian was standing up for me.

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