Chapter 14- Part 1

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Chapter 14- Part 1

“I'm walking on sunshine, wooah, I'm walking on sunshine, wooah, I'm walking on sunshine, wooah, and don't it feel good!”

Those were the lyrics that I was woken by early on New Year’s Eve. I screamed and pulled a pillow over my head, trying to block out the horrendous singing. It’s not like I didn’t know who it was. I knew exactly who it was.


Soon I heard my bed springs creaking, I heard the clinking of glass, and soon felt and horrible, torturously cold sensation run across my back. Immediately, I shot up, and saw Sapphire grinning broadly at me.

She winked at me and bolted out the door. I pursued her in total rage, only taking a second of time to peek at the clock on my bedside table. It was eight o’clock in the morning. Eight freaking o’clock- ohhhh, she is so dead.

I sprinted out the door after her and ran down the stairs, skipping every other step. I saw her turning to the kitchen, and I followed, a scowl set on my face.

“You bitch,” I said pointedly, slipping slightly on the wooden floor- stupid me for wearing socks.

Saph was just standing on the other side of the island, looking at me fake patronizingly, “You really need to calm down, dear.”

 “What the hell is wrong with you, we have to stay awake all night, tonight. I. Need. My. Freaking. Sleep. You. Bitch,” I hissed at her, my fists slamming onto the marble with each word.

 Just then my mother walked into the kitchen, “Cara! Manners! Don’t talk like that when we have guests around.”

“It’s only Sapphire, Mom…”I said scowling, but my voice trailed away as I looked at her. Sitting at the end of the island, clearly amused, was Blade.

He was biting his lip clearly trying not to give himself away. His eyes met mine almost instantly, my heart started racing in my chest. Blade looked gorgeous as usual, his hair looked slightly windswept and crumpled. He probably came in his bike or with his car window open. My eyes raked down his face to whatever I could see of his torso.

“Cara!” I was snapped out of my revere.

“Yes, Mom?”

“Instead on standing there and gawking at Romeo, why don’t you go have a shower?” She said laughing lightly.

My cheeks tinged red. Oh God! How embarrassing. I murmured a quick apology to Blade, and rushed back to my room without another word.

I took my time in the shower, washing every part with total patience- humming tunelessly to myself. In a way I could practically feel Blade in the house, chatting aimlessly to my mother, and perhaps still trying to win over Sapphire’s approval. I cherished this moment of ­non-insanity, as I knew; hell would set loose the rest of the day. Not that I minded- I just needed all the energy that I could get.

Sighing happily as I got out I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out my en suite.

I should have expected it; then again, I was in my own world- I had bumped straight into… getting it now? You probably have…


I staggered back a little, but Blade placed his hands on my waist steadying me. Blade chuckled deeply, “You do have this tendency to fall whenever I’m around don’t you?”

My hands were gripped onto his arms, “Then it’s a good thing that you’ll always be there to catch me when I fall isn’t it?”

He smiled tenderly at me. He brought one of his hands up to my face and tucked a piece of wet hair behind my ear, “You look so beautiful.”

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