Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It’s been almost a month since I spent the night at Blade’s house. Nothing much has changed since then, except the fact that the New Year is just two days away. Christmas passed quickly, Blade, and the troublesome twins I call my best mates came to my house for Christmas dinner, which as usual, my Mom did elaborately- there must have been at least nine courses. After, Blade pulled me aside and sheepishly handed me his gift- as you can imagine, Jake and Saph were eavesdropping at the door- it was a glass framed picture of the most perfect picture ever- both of us dancing close at the ball, smiling at each other, it was so perfect that I thought that I burst. It sits on my nightstand now.

Blade’s been keeping me happy, we were best mates again. In the past few weeks, he’s introduced me to his friends; they welcomed me with open arms. Other then that he’s taken me on those long drives I love (he even let me drive a couple times- imagine that), watched movies at home cuddling in the sofa, roamed in the woods. I never felt closer to anyone else before. Blade soon started becoming the first voice I heard in the morning and the last that I heard at night.

I didn’t forget about Sapphire or Jake though, and if I had, they would have come after me with a handful of crowbars. Their friendship is something that I could never replace. Saph was still slightly hostile about Blade, but she was just being protective over me, so I totally understood. Jake was a little more welcoming- instantly asking me if he could be the godfather of my babies the moment he saw me after my night out at Blade’s- it would have been funny, if he hadn’t said it right in front of Blade (I did not let him off that easy).

As for Xavier, he’s been calling me everyday- he was still in the hospital. I went to the hospital to see how he was, but just as far as talking to his mother, and clearing things out with her. She seemed to look down on me, but that was much expected too- what else can you expect from your ex-boyfriend’s mother.

We were off school for now, but the homework had been left to the evil hands of procrastination- not being melodramatic or anything. School was starting up in a couple days, and if I don’t do it on time I would be so screwed- which is why I was doing it now.

“Cara! Come downstairs- you have a visitor,” my Mom shouted up the stairs. I grumbled unhappily, dropping my pen down on my notebook mid sentence so that it clattered on the page.

Swiveling around in my chair and said, “Tell them to come on up, Mom!”

Rubbing my temples, I closed my eyes- damn the stupid scientist who invented diffraction, I thought scowling inwardly.

There was a gentle breath on my face and I jumped, my eyes snapping open. Light green irises were staring at me in the face.

“ARI you jerk. What the hell?!” I screamed throwing a well aimed punch in his direction- it hit him straight in the shoulder.

He burst out laughing.

 “Do you guys have abs of freakin’ steal or something?!” I said, flicking my hand and then blowing on my knuckles.

“Well hello to you too lovely,” he said chirpily in his british-y accent.

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever Ari, what are you doing here? I thought that Blade and all you guys were going out or something.”

He grinned and sat down on the bed cross-legged, hands splayed out behind him, innocently.

, “I decided to stay back, and visit my darling friend.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Cut the crap Ari.”

His smile turned sheepish, “I overslept so they left without me.”

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