Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Sneha Nair

This is another chapter for Sneha Nair. She really pushed me to make this chapter and I'm so grateful. I LOVE her =) Best mates forevvvverrr...!!

"Guess who?"


Chapter 9

Blade abruptly straightened up, his face turned hard.

Suddenly he pulled me gently but hastily aside, almost to the other side of the room. He practically had me crushed against his chest, and then I heard a crashing sound. The window near where we were standing before all of a sudden clashed open. Half the lighting was suddenly gone from the room- instant, but partial darkness- as a sudden gust of wind blew into the room, some people screamed. Most of the girls were protecting their hair, hands shielding it from the unexpected. The boys who had a partner just pulled them out of the way of the window; the others didn’t look too bothered.

The blast of air was powerful and eerie; it blew my hair into my face, and made my dress ruffle from its strength. Just as suddenly as the wind came it had gone. Blade held me against him even more close, if more closeness was even possible, his arm painfully tight against my waist. I looked up at him, wondering what could have made him so frightened of a little bit of darkness.

Pursing my lips I squinted through the half darkness. There was sudden artificial light, the brightness of it made me narrow your eyes, before my lens got adjusted to the instant bright rays. Blade relaxed his grip on me but kept a firm hand on my waist. I must have been imagining it but I thought I heard him exhale deeply, as if he had been holding his breath the whole time.

I looked around and was surprised to find that Blade’s gang was lurking nearby. Two couples were dancing, but not really into it, they seemed alert, and watchful, and the other two guys were leaning against the wall, gazing darkly into the crowd.

Blade hadn’t said anything yet, he was just standing there, held me close, not even swaying to the music which had started again. I reached up and cupped his cheek, and he looked down at me, his eyes softening at my touch, and placed a hand over mine, squeezing it.

“Sorry,” he said apologetically, and he took the hand that I had placed on his cheek, and started swaying again, keeping me still close, and still just a few breaths away from me.

“What happened there, you completely freaked out, almost killed my arm!” I said theatrically, joking and cocking him a light smile.

He looked at me incredulous, “I was trying to protect you.”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “From what? The scary darkness?”

He looked away from me, and at the window which had now been closed, “It’s a scary world out there, you know?”

I snorted, “I can take care of myself, if a zombie came at me, I would kung-fu chop his head,” I stated.

He didn’t look back at me, but he chuckled, “You realize that even if you do kung-fu chop a zombie’s head he can still come after you.”

I rolled my eyes. He smirked knowing that he had won the unsaid argument.

One of his friends wanted over, his green eyes pouring into mine through his mask. Usually I would have felt uneasy at a stranger looking at me so. But he seemed harmless. But then again, most predators appear that way.

Blade stopped dancing, and turned to face him. I scrunched my eyebrows, how did Blade know that he was coming?

The guy looked at Blade with a serious expression; it looked like there was some unsaid conversation going on. It kind of looked like a staring competition. I poked Blade’s rib, and he turned to me blinking slightly.

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