Chapter 4

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Hey this is for you! Cause you were the first person who commented on my book, thank you ! =) I really am grateful...!!

Chapter 4 

“I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world”

I shot up straight in my bed, a pure scowl on my face, my eyes still blurred from the sudden intense light. I grabbed my phone and answered the call.

“Good morning sunshine- it’s ten o’clock in the morning, and its b-e-a-u-tiful!” Sapphire exclaimed in total excitement, her voice all chirpy.

“I’ll never understand how you can be so happy waking up so early,” I heard Jake say dryly.

“It’s too… too early,” I said stifling a yawn. As my eyes closed, I saw flashes from my day yesterday. What the holy Jesus happened yesterday?

“It’s a beautiful day, don’t let it get away, it’s a beautiful day, oh oh oh-”

“Okay just STOP there, no singing,” Jake said hurriedly.

“What? My voice is in perfect pitch.” I snorted, but managed to seem like a cough. Saph seemed oblivious to it, but Jake noticed though and he chuckled lightly.

“Jake, what’s so funny?”

“Eh?” I grinned, knowing that Jake would be thinking oh crap right about now, “Um, nothing Tom just caught Jerry on the TV.”

I grinned even more, “Oh really now? Jake, you don’t have a TV in your room.”

“Oh shut up piggy,” Jake replied scowling.

“Shut up both of you,” Saph yelled into the phone, making me have to rub my ear rigorously as the buzzing in my ear started.

“Trying to make us deaf Saph?” I asked frowning, my ear still buzzing- damn, she was loud.

“Sure. Anyway! We’re going out today, it’s a Saturday and its just gay if we don’t go out.”

“I am gay though,” Jake said jokingly.

“You know what I mean!” It was her turn to scowl, “Meet me at the park on The Gap in an hour, and get your lazy butt’s out of bed and GO GET READY! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!”

“Yes ma’am!” we replied, and ended the call.

I got up out of bed, stretching all my limbs as they felt so taut and robotic, but before I could take a step towards the bathroom, my phone buzzed- a text from an unknown number.

Don’t worry; I explained everything to your Mum when I brought you home. You fainted by the way, but I think you realized that by now. Take care.


So I fainted. That’s so typical me under pressure like that. Romeo Delcan, I can’t believe I didn’t recognize those eyes at first sight. I smiled gushing.

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.


I had just closed my Veyron’s door, and banged my head on the steering wheel making her honk, before starting up the car and I just barely escaped my Mom as she rampaged about me going out with an unknown guy, and coming back unconscious in his arms. It took about half an hour to calm her down and another ten to explain to her clearly what had happened, and only after I told her that he was Romeo from ten years ago she let me go out today, without grounding my ass- her words, not mine. 

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