The Only Real Way to Cure Pain is to Add a Little More: Chapter Two

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes; the sun was shining brightly through the curtains. I shifted just the slightest bit until I felt a hand around my waist. I was confused at first, but then remembered I was with Lil and Xavier.

"I must've fallen asleep sometime during that horror movie when I cuddled with Xavier." I smiled at the thought and looked up at him to find him still sound asleep. I looked over the my right and Lillian wasn't there. I got curious and started to get up little by little so I wouldn't wake Xavier up until I felt a hand tighten around my waist.

"Going somewhere?" he said with a smile. Wow, his voice sure was sexy when he wakes up. His hair was messy but his eyes were shining and full of happiness.

"Just going to find Lil," I replied.

"Nooo, stay here with me, please?" he said with a puppy face. I couldn't resist.

"Okay, fine." I said. I relaxed next to him, his hand still on my waist, my head on his chest. He pulled the soft blanket up to us and then kissed my forehead.


I was just about to fall asleep again when the sound of pans hitting the ground loudly in the kitchen woke me back up.

"Damnit!" I heard someone shout.

"Lillian..?" Xavier called. It must've woken him up too.

"Yeah? Sorry, did I wake you guys up?" she asked while walking into the living room. She stopped at the sight of us cuddling and just grinned.

"What're you smiling at?" Xavier quesitoned.

"Oh..nothing." she replied with an even bigger smile. She looked at me, winked, then walked away.

"I'm making breakfast, I'll tell you guys when it's ready!" she yelled from the kitchen.

"What was that wink all about?" Xavier asked.

"I have absolutely no idea. But I have a feeling she's up to something."

We decided to get up since it was about 9 a.m. I took a shower and got changed, did my hair and a little bit of makeup. I went downstairs and Lillian and Xavier were already eating.

"Wow. Couldn't even wait for me?" I said, acting hurt.

"We tried, but if we waited any longer I would've starved!" Lillian replied.

"As beautiful as she is I would think it takes a while. But you wouldn't know that, now would you Lil?" Xavier joked.

"Whatever, Xavier." I smiled but quickly turned around to get Nutella and bread out of the cupboard to hide my quickly blushing face. I turned back around and stuck my tongue out at them. I decided just to eat toast with Nutella and a banana since Xavier and I were going to spend the day together and we were probably going out to eat.

I finished eating and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I thought about everything that's happened in the past few hours; Xavier was being really sweet. I looked up at my reflection and smiled.  Could he possibly like me? I walked out of the bathroom and Xavier was standing by the front door. I grabbed my purse and he held out his hand to me.

This was going to be a great day.

A/N: So I hadn't uploaded a second part in a while, i just waited to see if more people would read the first part. Hopefully more people will read my story! I made this part somewhat long so enjoy :)

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