Chapter 5

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Leo, Calypso, Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked into the Great Hall, which was more jittery than usual. Everyone seemed to be buzzing around and gawking at the visitors. The five sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked around. The Beaxbatons students were sitting at the Ravenclaw table, and the Durmstrang students were sitting at the Slytherin table. Calypso could see Draco Malfoy talking animatedly with one of the Durmstrang boys. Leo and Calypso didn't know much about Draco, but she did know that he got under Harry, Ron, and Hermione's skin. The other four noticed Calypso staring and looked over.

"Bloody hell," Ron gasped. "Draco's talking to Krum. Harry, Krum is here!" Harry's eyes widened.

"Who's Krum?" Leo asked.

"Only the best Quidditch seeker in the world." Ron said. "The three of us went to the championship match, and Krum played in it. He caught the snitch, but they still lost."

Leo and Calypso looked at Ron like he was crazy. "Qui-what?" Leo asked.

Ron laughed. "I forgot that you don't know anything about this stuff. Quidditch is a wizarding sport where people fly on brooms and try to throw a ball into hoops. It's more complicated, but that's the main idea."

At that moment, Dumbledore called attention. "Good evening, students. I'm very glad to welcome the students of Beaxbatons and the students of Durmstrang to Hogwarts!" The hall erupted in applause. "Yes, yes. Thank you for coming! Now," Dumbledore lowered his voice so a hush fell over the hall, "to the reason we are all here: the Triwizard Tournament." The hall was completely silent. "Now, Mr. Barty Crouch and Mr. Ludo Bagman have been working tirelessly to put together this competition, so they will explain everything." Dumbledore motioned toward two men.

"Hello, children, I am Bartimus Crouch," said one of the men with a square of a mustache. "And this is Ludo Bagman." He motioned toward the man next to him. "As you know, the Triwizard Tournament is a competition between three schools, where one 'champion' from each school will compete against the others for the Triwizard Cup. However, it is very dangerous. The competition was cancelled a century ago, and has not been done since. We have made precautions to the tournament to ensure that it is completely safe." Crouch paused. "It has been decided that no student below seventeen years of age may enter the competition." There was a series of boos from the students. A pair of twins off to Calypso and Leo's left that looked a bit like Ron were booing the loudest.

"That's rubbish, that is!" they yelled in unison.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore roared.

Mr. Crouch inclined his head toward Dumbledore in appreciation. "This precaution is necessary to keep anyone under-age from dying in the tournament. Now," he turned toward Dumbledore, who had walked over to a cloth covering some floating object, "Professor Dumbledore will explain how to enter into the tournament."

Dumbledore walked to the center of the front of the room, the covered object floating after him. He took out his wand and waved it in the direction of the object, making the cloth fall of and reveal a gleaming goblet.

"This is the Goblet of Fire." Everyone in the hall oohed and ahhed. "If any one of age would like to enter the competition, they need only write their name on a plain piece of parchment and drop it in the goblet. But, do not take the tournament lightly. Once you enter your name, there is no way to take it out. Anyone wishing to enter has exactly twenty-four hours. The Goblet will select three names for within it at this time, tomorrow night."

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