Chapter 2: Festus

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"How did that nurse heal my wrist so fast?!" Leo, Calypso, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. Professor McGonagall had given Harry, Hermione, and Ron permission to explain the wizarding world to Leo and Calypso since they had already been told about Hogwarts by Harry and had seen the paintings in the corridors.

"Wait, let me get this straight," Leo held up his hand. "You're telling me that you live here, for a whole year, to learning magic?! That's freaking AWESOME!"

Ron made a face. "You think it's all fun and cool, but you should see the potions teacher, Snape. He's bloody awful."

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at Calypso. "So, how did you guys get here? You can't fly; you're too young."

Calypso looked at Leo, who nodded. She sighed. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Hermione raised an eyebrow. Calypso sighed again. "Oh, alright. We came on the back of a mechanical dragon named Festus."

Ron stifled a laugh; Hermione nudged him in the ribs, but looked skeptical herself. "Y-you came on a-a mechanical dragon?"

Leo laughed. "We said you wouldn't believe us! Look, I'm half-god, and Calypso is a titan. We crashed here after I killed the earth mother, Gaea, and rescued her off of this island called Ogygia that people are supposed to only be able to go to once." Everyone was staring in complete disbelief at Leo, who laughed again. "I'm a son of the Greek god Hephaestus, if that's why you're staring. Look, you don't have to treat me any different just because I'm famous and awesome."

Calypso rolled her eyes and looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione's shocked faces. "Look, if you don't believe us, you can go into the forest in front of the castle and see Festus for yourselves."

Harry seemed to perk up at that. "Harry, you know we can't leave the castle after dark," Hermione gave Harry a disapproving glare. "You can go tomorrow."

Harry got up. "Ron, let's get the invisibility cloak." Ron quickly stood up and went upstairs with Harry.

Calypso turned to Hermione. "What does he mean 'the invisibility cloak'?"

Hermione sighed. "Oh, it's this cloak that when you put it on, you turn invisible. Harry likes to use it to go against the rules and explore the school at night. It's useful when we're saving the school from Voldemort, but other than that I hate it when he uses it."


"SHHHH!" Hermione hissed. "Not so loud! We aren't supposed to say his name. Voldemort was this evil wizard that came to power. He tortured and killed lots of people. You know that scar Harry has on his forehead?" Leo and Calypso nodded. "That's from where Voldemort tried to kill Harry. The spell he used has no counter-curse, and Harry was just a baby. No one knows how he survived, but when Voldemort tried to kill him, the curse rebounded or something because it destroyed Voldemort. He's still alive somewhere, but he has no human form anymore. The three of us have stopped him from coming back two times at Hogwarts."

Just then, Harry and Ron came back downstairs with the cloak. "Harry! You're not allowed to leave the common room!"

"Oh, come off it, Hermione! We'll be right back." Ron said.

"Fine," Hermione huffed. "Oh, Harry, before you go, you missed the announcements before the feast."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Hermione, I'm pretty sure reminders about not going into the Forbidden Forest aren't that important."

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