Chapter 3: Professor Dumbledore

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Chapter 4

                Leo and Calypso quickly turned and headed up the spiral stairs, scared of this strange Moody. They heard the sound of his wooden leg right behind them as they climbed, but they didn’t dare turn around.

                When they reached the top, Moody pulled out a short, skinny piece of wood. He pointed it at a giant door and muttered something under his breath. There was a clicking noise and the door opened. Leo looked over at Calypso

                “Wand,” he mouthed.

                “Go in,” Moody said roughly.

                Leo and Calypso jumped and walked into the room. Dumbledore sat at a desk toward the back. He quickly stood up and walked toward them.

                “Professor, I hope you haven’t scared them too much have you?” he said and chuckled. “This is Professor Moody. He teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts here.”

                Leo and Calypso timidly turned toward Moody and simultaneously did a tiny wave. Moody didn’t wave back. He seemed just a bit, well, moody.

                Dumbledore chuckled. “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked to meet you. I wanted to know how I can help you fix your dragon and anything else I can do for you.”

                Leo and Calypso looked at Dumbledore in shock. “You know about Festus?” Leo asked.

                Dumbledore chuckled again. “Yes, Mr. Valdez. I know about Festus and your brave actions against Gaea a couple days ago. I also know,” he said, turning to Calypso, “that Sanchez is not your last name and that you, in fact, have no last name because you are a titan.” Seeing Leo and Calypso’s shocked faces, he added, “I’m a friend of Chiron’s.”

                Leo nodded. “Of course you are. Is it just me, or does Chiron know everyone on the entire planet?”

                Dumbledore laughed. “I’m sure it helps to be millions of years old. So, how can I help you fix Festus?”

                “Well, we’ll need some tools, whatever you can get us,” Leo said.

                “Do you need extra hands to help? Perhaps some hands with wands in them?”

                Leo shook his head. “I think it would be best if Calypso and I worked on Festus alone.”

                Dumbledore nodded understandingly. “May I meet Festus?”

                “Uh . . . sure!” Leo said. “Do you mean now? We can lead you to him.”

                Dumbledore, Leo, Calypso, and Moody headed out of the castle to Festus in the Forbidden Forest. Festus was very happy to meet Dumbledore, but was a little unsure about Moody. Dumbledore assessed the damage done to Festus and told them he would get the tools they would require within a couple days.

                “In the meantime,” he said, “I’m sure all our professors would be delighted to have you visit their classes. You can shadow Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, or Ms. Granger’s schedules.”

                Leo clapped his hands. “This is the best crash I’ve ever been in! Let’s go learn some magic tricks!”

                Leo and Calypso decided to take it easy for the rest of the day. The next day, Calypso went with Hermione while Leo went with Harry and Ron. They had most of their classes together, but while Harry and Ron went to Divination, Hermione went to Arithmancy.

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