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Fandom: Supernatural.

Paring: Dean x Reader.

Theme song: Drive by Halsey.

A/N: So this started out really well when I begun it like at around three and I had a lot of inspiration to delve into this story and have an amazing OS because I love halsey, but along the way as I wrote, with the crappy internet connection and all that jazz, I somehow found myself out of gas to even write this OS, but decided I should just finish it up and make it really short just for you guys to have something while you wait for 'These sores in my mouth'. so it's just like a little imagine fart lol. Enjoy guys, I'm sorry it's not all that great, but I actually really wanna do an imagine for this song so I think in future I'm gonna do a better one (or just edit this) just know, this is definitely not the last of this story.


You bit down on your lower lip as the wind whisped through the air and bit at your cheeks coldly, making you shiver and your teeth chatter slightly from their place in your mouth. The window was rolled down fully despite the night chill taking its course on yours and your passenger's veins, and the fog from it slowly arose to block out your sight of the road. You clenched your fingers around the steering wheel steadily and you sped down the highway with narrowed eyes in attempt to find the path of the road somewhere in the dark, when your eyes flew to the mass at your side . It had suddenly shifted in its sleep to turn to you, grinning like a Cheshire cat as they did so. You rolled your eyes sardonically at the  freckled face beaming at you, waving them off with your chipping manicured hand and quickly reverted your attention back to the road, somberly staring ahead. In the background, the tape in your radio slot chattered softly with each bump you hit.

Throughout your drive, you couldn't help your eyes from occasionally skipping over to the passenger seat and settling on the sleeping face of the elder Winchester. He lay with one of his hands tucked under his head and the other over his stomach, rising and falling with each steady breath he heaved.

His plump and cracked lips were always so inviting when he smiled, with colour pulsating through them every single second that you could sneak a peak at them, but when he slept, you could delv in more into the detail in the creases of his skin and admire it the more. His hair that hung lazily at the peak of his hair line glistened in the sheen lighting of the headlights from the outside, appearing more golden brown than usual as it framed his face, and in the tawny lighting of Baby's lights, you could spot the little specks of melanin dotting his face in a messy and spangled manner rather than tandem. Dean was beautiful- so beautiful; and that's how you would admit to yourself the confusing feelings you were harbouring for the emerald-eyed hunter every time you saw him.

You tip-toed around your emotions for God-knows how long, thinking that avoiding them would make them settle, but it was all just a coping mechanism for you in the time that you had realized you were falling in love with your best-friend.

You didn't know how it had happened. Honestly, at first you weren't sure what you were talking about really was happening with all the chaos in your lives raising the dust in the middle of the tornado. You thought you were making things up in your head, and reading too deep into the things that he had said to you, the way he treated you- and you hoped you were. But with over-analysis of how you felt, soon you realized you were truly falling in love with Dean, and  he was too.

The elder Winchester found himself drawn to you more and more with each moment he spent in your presence. When he wasn't around you, Dean found that he wished he were, and yearned for your company at each waking moment. When he was around you he couldn't help but stare at you intently as his heart would begin to flutter, and at first it frightened him that he felt the way he did, but he had no control over his emotions and soon came to accept it. By this time, you had come to terms with your emotions as well, but love was never that simple. You repressed your feelings the same reason Dean did; out of content of being safe as friends, and up until now neither of you knew what the other felt.

"You're staring again," Dean stated with his eyes still closed and your eyes right away shot back to the black tarmac in front of you. You felt a sudden blush rise in your cheeks at being caught red-handed but lucky for you, the setting was dark, and not even the brightest trace of pink in your skin could be spotted.

You pushed your shoulders back and sitting up straight, craned your neck away from Dean whose eyes were still shut.

"Even if I was- which I wasn't," you affirmed pointing to Dean warningly, "How would you know? Your eyes are shut, you wad."

Dean bellowed a warm chuckle at your statement, pushing himself up in his seat to sit up right. Stretching a few knots out a few times, he finally spoke up.

"I could feel your eyes burning holes in my face," He replied. You glanced at him momentarily and scoffed.

"Now you're just flattering yourself."

Another laugh escaped Dean's lips, and this time round you joined in, giggling along as the once cold tingle lingering in your skin soon faded. You were warm now, and as oblivious as you liked to believe you were, you knew why that was. You knew who was responsible for that.

The rest of the journey was spent silently speeding down the 4O5 with the chattering of the tape providing an undertone for the music playing softly on the radio.

Supernatural oneshots and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon