Dr. Rogers ushered Louis to his office, "Alright lad, here's what I'll do. I'm going to ask you a series of questions to figure out if maybe your brain will open up the memory a bit and once we're finished, I'll schedule an MRI that way we can take a look at your brain but it may take awhile. Alright?"

Louis nodded, "I'll try anything at this point. It's been nearly 5 months!"

Dr. Rogers, nodded "Alright, first question. What's your full name?"

"Louis William Tomlinson."

"Alright, good," Dr. Rogers wrote it down, "when's your birthday?"

Louis' face scrunched up, Zayn told him this! "December 24th, 1991."

"Good Louis! Okay what about your mums name?"

Louis face scrunched up, he doesn't know this. He's never heard anything about his mum before. "Uhm, I don't know." He shook his head.

Dr. Rogers looked at him, "Zayn didn't mention your mum?"

Louis shook his head, "hasn't said a word to me about my mum."

"Huh, I'll have to talk to him about that. Maybe it'll spark your memory," Dr. Rogers jotted it down, "okay what about Zayn's name?"

Now this, this was easy, "Zayn Javadd Malik." He smiled proudly.

"Good good, okay his birthday?"

"Uhm, January 12th, 1993."

Dr. Rogers hummed, "and Oliver?"

"Uhm, Oliver William Malik, born September 21st." He nodded proudly.

"Alright alright, that's good. Okay do you remember how you and Zayn met?" He questioned, jotting things down.

"Haven't a clue," Louis huffed. "Hasn't said anything about my past."

Dr. Rogers hummed, "I'll be having a serious talk with mr. Malik."

Louis chuckled, "uh oh. Did I get him in trouble?"

Dr. Rogers chuckled, having a slight idea of what was happening to Louis and why he wasn't regaining his memory but decided he'd do analysis anyways, "Alright Lou, I know I said we'd do an MRI but it seems it's been booked, so I'm sorry to inform you that we will not be able to figure out physically, why you aren't snapping back but I'm going to give you something."

Louis huffed, because damnit he wanted to know why his memory has been put to a hault. He'll just listen to whatever dr. Rogers has to say and he'll go find Zayn and Oliver, "If you think It'll help me then alright, I'll give it a shot." Louis sighed.

"I know Lou, I know you wanted to know today but remember it takes awhile for the MRI and also the analysis takes a few days but just try and maybe it'll help, yeah?" Dr. Rogers reasoned.

"Yeah, yeah now what is it doc?"

Dr. Rogers reached into his desk slipping out a black leather bound journal with 'LT' in the side, "Now this is what we'll call your memory journal, yeah? What I want you to do is simple, I want you to document anything Zayn tells you or any memory that decides to make an appearance alright?" Dr. Rogers handed it over to louis and continued, "I've been meaning to give this to you, I know I'm only a doctor medical wise but my husband Dr. Barnes-Rogers is a therapist and I looked to him for guidance in this one. This is what he suggested and I'm going to take full confidence in my husband and go through with it."

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