Wouldn't You Like To Know

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Chapter 2-
Wouldn't You Like To Know

It's now Saturday, I have the day off school, my check should be ready and I have just a bit extra to treat myself to something this time. I'm feeling good today.

I got up, dressed in just some jeans and a blue baby tee. Along with my black Chuck Taylor's of course. I fed Gage (my German Shepard, the only thing I brought from home) pet him for a bit then grabbed my purse, locked up and headed to work to get my check.

I stopped along the way and grabbed a coffee. I walk into work "Hey Gary" I say with a smile as I walk up to the bar, "Oh hey! Let me grab your check" he said going to the back to grab it. He came back out with 2 envelopes. "What's that?" I ask, "Yeah a couple of guys came in earlier. Said to give this to the long black haired girl" he said. "Umm okay. Thanks" I said taking it, "No problem. I'll see ya on Monday" he said. I nodded and walked out. I put my check in my purse and decided to check out the other envelope.

"To: wouldn't you like to know" it read, I laughed to myself immediately knowing who it was from. I opened it up, inside was 2 tickets to see some band called the Red Hot Chili Peppers at some local club. "Hope to see you there~ Anthony" read a little note inside. I looked at the date and time. Tonight, at 8:30pm. It's noon now.

Should I go? Should I not? I mean I'm curious and it is a free show, but then he'll think I'm giving in.... *sigh* I don't know.

I guess I could have some fun once. I decided to grab a bite to eat, maybe go pick out some new clothes then I'll head to the show.

I went to the mall and just window shopped a bit before seeing a shirt and jeans I liked and decided to stop in.
I walked in and found it on the rack first thing. This is the one, I need this shirt. It was a tank, white lace at the top and a blue floral print from the breasts down, the back had a button at the neck and the rest opened up in the back. I looked at the tag, $14.99 it read. It was worth it to me.

I hung it over my arm and found a pair of jeans I liked. Medium denim, ripped on the thighs and knees. Even they were only $16.99. I found a pair of white lace wedge heeled shoes. They were $19.99.

I think I found what I needed. For a reasonable price. I checked out and walked out pretty happy. I ran home to change really quickly. I put on my new outfit, curled my long black hair, applied some make up and perfume, fed gage and out the door I went.

It was already 7:45 at this point so I figured I'd go a bit early and grab a drink. Thank goodness the club is also right on the strip so it's within walking distance also. I got to the club and up to the door. "I.D. Please?" Asked the guard, I just turned 21 about 5 months ago. He handed it back and stamped my hand, "You're good. Thank you" he said. I smiled and nodded before heading in.

It was already jammed in here. I decided to grab a drink so I took a seat at the bar. I looked to my right to see the stage, equipment set up and a guy I didn't recognize messing around with some speakers. I knew it had to have been them setting up. But I don't wanna just go talk to him. I think I'll wait, let him realize for himself.

"What can I get for you m'am?" Asked the guy behind the bar, "Oh, I'll take a uh... I'll take a strawberry lemonade vodka please". "Yes m'am" he smiled preparing the drink.  I sat for a bit, just relaxing and drinking.

"Check check. This is Tony flow, woah. We're all a bunch of brothers livin' in a cool way
Along with six million others in this place called L.A. Testing testing" he said and stopped.

They all talked amongst each other for a few short moments before getting in position. "Hey everyone! I'm Anthony also known as Swan" he said and stuck his tongue out goofily, "And these are my best friends Flea, Stretch and Jack" he said pointing to the bass player he had with him at the bar, the lead guitarist and the drummer.

He finished introducing them and said a few words before they started the show.

They started off with a song called 'Out In L.A.' Obviously the one he was using during sound check.

"We're all a bunch of brothers livin' in a cool way
Along with six million others in this place called L.A.
L.A. is the place, sets my mind ablaze
For me it's a race through a cotton pickin' maze
The town makes me jump, it's got a bunch of bad chicks
Well sure, it's got some chumps but I still get my kicks
My body loves to scrump when I lick the ripe pick
Like a come on a thumb, poppin' hump, hump, hump, pop out
The action never stops, I'm as wild as can be
But there's I'm shooting for the top and my best friend is Flea
Oom Chucka Willy knew the balls to pop
But he never met the Tree so he never be bopped out hop"

Woah. These guys are actually pretty awesome. I ordered another drink and watched and applauded them...

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