"Jessica! How do you like it?" Sarah asks.
"I love it, thank you so much Sarah!" She hugs her.
"Wait, I almost forgot! You need to rub the belly for good luck!" She says rubbing her stomach.
Jessica laughs and says, "What am I, Buddha?"

"Oh and Gabriella look at your pretty dress!" Kathy smiles and Gabby walks around smiling and modeling her dress.
"You little brat! Say thank you!" Jessica laughs.
"Thank you!" Gabby smiles and bats her eyelashes.

"Jessica you look beautiful!" Anjelica hugs her.
"Awe thank you!" Jessica answers as her sisters join them.
"Jessica! You're glowing!" Ann says in a high pitched voice.
"Look at that big ol' belly!" Jane rubs her stomach.
"Is he kicking? I wanna feel!" Loraine, her sister in law walks up.
"A little." She smiles them puts her hands on her back, making her belly really stick out so they can feel him move.
"Oh wow, he's playing soccer in there, isn't he?" Anjelica laughs.
"And he's usually move active than that! Just wait till after I eat, this boy gets so excited when I eat!" She laughs.

"Hey ladies, what are y'all talking about?" Danny stands behind Jessica and puts his chin on her shoulder and his hands on her hips.
"We're talking about your little soccer player!" Lorraine chuckles.
"Oh you mean my future FOOTBALL player!"
"Oh yeah, Danny wants him to play football!" Jessica giggles then adds, "But I don't know how I feel about that!"
"Oh he'll be fine!" He pinches her cheek.
"She's just a worried momma!" He tells them as he wraps his arms around her and holds her belly then kisses her cheek.

Jessica goes to talk to George, "Where were you this morning?"
"I needed a gift." He laughs.
"Oh George!" She hits him and laughs.
"You didn't have to get up early and go shopping!"
"Anything for my little nephew!" He rubs her stomach.
"Aw, aren't you sweet!" She smiles then rubs her chest.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I've just had really bad heartburn lately.
"Is that normal?" He asks concerned.
"Oh yeah it's fine!"

Later when they eat, Jessica sits with Kathy, Sarah and Angela.
"So how are you?  Everything's been okay since the wreak?" Angela asks.
"Yeah everything's fine, thank God!"
"That's great!" Angela answers.
Jessica takes a deep breath and holds her chest.
"What's wrong?  You okay?" Kathy asks.
"Yeah just heartburn." She frowns.
"Oh my gosh, you know what that means?!" Sarah smiles.
"That I have heartburn." Jessica raises an eyebrow at her and looks at her like she's crazy.
"No, if you have heartburn when you're pregnant it means that the baby will be born with a lot of hair!"
"Aw, I hope so!  How cute would that be?  I hope he has Danny's dark hair!" She smiles.
"Awe that'd be adorable!" Sarah gets excited.

"Mommy, cake!" Gabriella pulls on her arm.
Jessica turns around and faces her, "It's almost cake time!" She smiles.
"Haha, she is literally YOU JESSICA!" Sarah says.
"I know, right!" Jessica laughs.


They play the measuring game.
"I think I might run out of toilet paper on this one!" Kathy jokes as she unravels the toilet paper.
"Oh Kathy, you ass!" Jessica hits her arm and laughs.
"Alright I'm ready but I'm horrible at these, so don't be mad Jess!" Finn says.
"I won't.  Get over here and we'll see!" She lifts her arms and he wraps it around, "Oh my gosh, it's perfect!" Jessica smiles.
"Ah I finally did good!" He says as Jessica hugs him.

Evans was way too small, Ryan's was almost perfect and Kathy's was way too big. 
"Alright little brother, that looks too long! I know you better take some of that off!" She says with her hands on her hips and leaning her weight on one leg, giving him a little attitude.
"I don't think you've taken a look at yourself in the mirror lately, big sis!" He laughs.
She makes a face at him and he wraps it around her.
"Hahaha! I fucking told you, Jessica!"
"Shut up you asshole!" She hits his arm and laughs.

After everyone else went it was Danny's turn, "Alright, daddy's turn!" Jessica says to him as she gives him a sexy little shimmy.
Danny wraps his arms around her and gives her a deep kiss.
"Are you trying to suck up to me, Mr. Huston?" She asks in a cute voice.
He chuckles and brings the paper around her, "Nope because it's perfect!  I knew it would be.. I know your body Ms. Lange!" He kisses her then looks around at everybody and says, "I'm working on extra credit!" He dips her a bit and she lifts her leg.

As the party goes on Sarah stands off to the side.

"You okay?" Evan asks her.
"Huh? Yeah, no I'm fine.." She says in a quiet voice.
Evan wraps his his arms around her.
"I would have been 22 weeks." She says in almost a whisper.
"I know.." He rubs her arm.
"I didn't think it would get to me today.. But seeing how happy she is.. I'm so happy for them.. I just wish we had that too."
"I know, me too.. Why don't we start trying?" He asks her.
Sarah looks up at him, "Do you think so?"
"Yeah, why not? Or we could start on our wedding night." He smiles.
"Yeah! Okay! We're gonna try and gave a baby!" Sarah smiles.
"You're gonna be pregnant!" Evan says kinda singing it.
She giggles and kisses him.


"Alright, I just wanted to thank everyone for coming and helping us celebrate our little boy!" Jessica smiles then adds.
"But I do have a little surprise for all of the guys!" She gets a cheeky smile on her face.
"Bring em in boys!" She says as nurses walk in with machines.
"What's going on?" Danny asks confused.
"Well my dear, remember when I was pregnant with Gabriella and you had to wear a pregnant belly suit for our pregnancy class?"
"Yeah.." He answers nervously.
"Well it's time for the birth!" She smiles and pats his stomach.
"What? No! Jessica, I knew you were gonna do this!" He gets scared.
"Oh are you scared?" She says in a cute voice.
"Yes!" His eyes widen and Jessica cracks up laughing at him.
"Well you don't have to go thru labor alone sweetie, the rest of the guys are doing it too."

After the guys panic attack they get hooked up to the machines.

"Alright we're gonna start you guys off with mild contractions, Danny this is what Jessica feels when she gets Braxton hicks contractions.

"Ah fuck!" He yells.
"Danny it's a Braxton hicks contraction!" Jessica cracks up.
All the guys moan in pain, "I hate to tell y'all but it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse than this!" Jessica says.
They turn the contraction simulator on and off and each time they make the contractions stronger.
"Breathe Danny!" Jessica tells him.
He grabs her hand and yells, "Shut up, Jessica!"
She tries to hold her laughter in and says, "Danny you're okay, you're almost there!"
Once that "contraction" is over Danny breathes heavily and says, "Jessie baby.. I appreciate you so so much!  There's no way I could do this, you are so strong and so so brave.. How?  How did you do this?"
"It was hard.. and you don't have to go thru all this then be forced to push a human being out of yourself!"
"Oh god.. I can't!" He gets scared.
"Haha!  Danny you don't have too, silly boy!"
"Oh yeah!" He laughs as they turn up the machine.
Everyone moans in pain and Evan screams out, "What the fuck!  This isn't right!  How do women go thru this?  I quit! I quit!"
"ME TOOOO!" Danny screams.
"You give up?" Jessica asks him.
"YES!" They all yell.
"Alright, turn em off!" Jessica tells the nurses.
"How long did we last?" Danny asks.
"45 minutes." One of the nurses says.
"Oh god, and you went thru hours of this, Jessica! I love you baby! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He says in between kisses.
"Haha! I love you too, Danny!"
"No, like I love you so much.. and I love that I'm a man!" He says then gives her a deep kiss.

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