Chapter 36

171 5 2

January 29, 2012

Laura's POV
Today is the reading and I can't wait to see who my scene partner will be for the reading... I really hope it's Ross. I got out of bed, showered, threw on some clothes and walked down the stairs to see my Dad and Sister watching TV

Laura: hey guys I'm off to my reading

Damiano and Vanessa: Good luck Laura

I waved and walked out the door getting into the car and driving off go Broadway. I parked in the ally I always do and I see a familiar car parked right in front of me. I walked into the theater and saw Sydney walking up to me.

Laura: hello

Sydney: Hello Laura are you ready to read

Laura: I am

Sydney: alright but I didn't want to tell you this so I left it for you to find out but your scene partner will be Ross from your school

Laura: perfect

We walked into a small room and I saw Ross sitting on the couch smiling. I walked over to him and sat down.

Laura: I thought I saw your car out there

Ross: ahh you found it

Laura: I did

Sydney: alright so I'm going to give you a scene and a person to play and you are both going to say the words but interact to until I tell you to stop... Laura you will play Fanny and Ross will play Nick... You will be acting out Scene 13 in Act 1. You will start with the line 'May I take your wrap'.... and Action

Ross: 'May I take your wrap' *pretends to take off her wrap* 'That color is wonderful with your eyes'

Laura: 'Just my right eye. I hate what it does to the left. Tell my are you planning to make advances?'

Ross: 'I wasn't planning but it does seem possible'

Laura: 'before dinner or after dinner?'

Ross: *smiling* 'you look beautiful'

Laura: *sitting* 'you don't have to make leading lady dialogue for me-- I'm a comic'

Ross: 'Onstage'

Laura: 'That's where I live-- onstage'

Ross: *sits next to her* 'then your missing too much'

Laura: 'you can't have everything' *pretends to open a hand fan*

Ross: *turning toward her* 'of course you can-- if you insist on it'

Laura: *pretends to pick up a marble egg* 'Hey-- somebody laid a blue marble egg on the table'

Ross: 'I did. I got that in Europe-- ages ago' *takes the egg* 'it's one of my favorite things-- so I thought you might like it' *hands it back to her*

Laura: *looks at him then the table* 'A blue marble egg' *places it back in the table* 'white roses-- you went to a lot of trouble even though I told you I might not show up'

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