Chapter 20

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January 1, 2012

Laura's POV
I woke up to Ross still holding me but I heard someone yelling in the other room. I started nudging Ross trying to wake him up

Laura: Ross get up

Ross: w-why?

Laura: someone is yelling in the other room


Laura: it's Nessa

Ross: come on

Ross grabs my hand and drags me out of the room and down to the kitchen to see Rydel and Stormie watching Nessa yell at someone on the phone. We walk over to the girls as Nessa keeps yelling.

Laura: *whispers* who is she talking too

Rydel: your mom

Nessa: UGH BYE!!!! *sees Laura and Ross* oh hey guys... By the way Laur child protective services wants to talk to you today

Laura: *mumbles* of course they do

I feel a hand rubbing my back and I look back to see Ross giving me a reassuring smile. That's when I remembered our conversation last night where we would talk about everything on my mind

Laura: W-When do they want to meet with me

Vanessa: 12... So that gives you like three hours to do something

Laura: so no one's I'm our house

Vanessa: no why?

Laura: I'm going to go and get clothes the come back here and change

Stormie: why don't you have someone go with you Laura

Ross: I'll go with her

Vanessa: okay

Me and Ross out on our shoes, coats hats and mittens then start walking over to my house

Ross: do you wanna talk while your finding some clothes?

Laura: Yeah I'm going to pack a small bag cause your mom said I could stay as long as I need too after my mom kicked me out of the house

Ross: oh... I'm sorry Laur

Laura: it's fine if rather stay with you than with my own mother

I see Ross smile out of the corner of my eye. We made it to my front porch and I use the spare key to get into the house. We leave our snow stuff by the door and walk up into my room. I found a bag and started packing things while Ross sat on my be starting to talk.

Ross: okay let the shrink session begin

Laura: *giggles* that's what your going to call it

Ross: yeah I thought this talk should have a name

Laura: I like it

Ross: thanks.... Now last night you said talking to child protective services was on your mind what did you mean by that?

Laura: I just don't want to end up saying the wrong thing that would get my mom to keep living with us cause I know this wasn't an accident but what if she was in the room with me and she would glare at me to put pressure on me so I would say the wrong thing and get her to keep living with me and Ness

Ross: well what if Nessa came with you to this meeting and she said she witnessed it and could back you up on how it was no accident

Laura: that's actually a really smart idea.... Wow your a really good person to talk to about worries and troubles

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