Chapter 30

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Laura: .................we should practice that after school so why don't you two come over to my house Nessa won't care

Lilly: what about your parents

Laura: umm my dad is in Canada and my mom was taken away from us for child abuse... and she cheated on my dad

Lean (Lilly and Sean): oooo sorry

Laura: it's fine now... my dad will be back soon

Lilly: that's good I always liked your dad

Ross: yeah but the problem is he doesn't know we're dating yet

Sean: oohooo your going to have daddy problems... That's what happened with my older sister when she decided to move into her boyfriends house

Laura: yeah but my dad loves Ross and all the Lynches so I think it'll be fine

Lilly: let's hope

???: Hey can I join you....

Ross: oh god



Laura: not to be rude but.... who are you??

???: oh I'm Bailey and I just movies here from California so I have no one to sit with

Laura: oh sure go ahead

Ross' POV
I watched as Bailey slowly sat down across from me. She was looking at me with those same she did back in Cali. She stocked me all throughout 7 years of my life down in Cali and it freaked me out. I grabbed Laur's arm and pulled her towards me

Ross: *whispers* hey let's get out of here

Laura: *whispers back* why??

Ross: I'll explain once we go

Laura: okay

Ross: hey we're gonna go to our lockers

Ryland: do go having sex in the janitors closet too

Laura: ha ha very funny

Lilly's POV (finally right)
I watch them get up and quickly walk out of the room hand in hand

Lilly: that was weird

Bailey: so are those two like a think or something???

Lilly: yeah for a few days now

Bailey: awww how cute... what's her name again??

Sean: Laura Marano

Bailey: oh cute (thinks: so that's the Laura that Ross would always talk about back in Cali)

Lilly: yep

[with Raura]

Laura's POV
Ross dragged me out to our Lockers making sure no one was here then we started talking

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