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I scream the moment I hear it. Delphi has to know. A high-pitched gurgling whine from behind me. I whip around.
A mangy looking wolf. His eyes are unfocused. Chunks of fur have fallen out his coat. His mouth is frothing with white foam.
It's something that I've only seen from the safety of my house; a rabid wolf. One came through our street before, but our soldiers were quick to take it away. One boy was too curious, and was bitten. He was treated, but the next day we all had a lecture about rabid animals in school.
His steps are unsteady, but he moves towards me faster than I expected.
Another whine escapes his throat.
I come to my senses and run. I run in Delphi's direction with a blind hope. I could never climb a tree fast enough. All I know is she has the knife in her pack.
I glance behind me as I run. The wolf follows, leaping over fallen trees and rocks easily.
Branches whip at my face as adrenaline pumps through my veins.
It's just like my nightmare.
I hear the stream, then I see Delphi running at me.
"Run! It's right behind me!"
She changes direction. She makes it over the stream cleanly, but my foot catches on a root.
The ground flies up towards me. Before I can register what's happened, the wolf is on me. My hands scrabble desperately for a weapon: something, anything.
I try to roll away. I'm almost able to get up. My hands find a rock. I try to pummel the wolf to no avail. I'm at a bad position to defend myself, and all I do is give him a bruise at the least. His long teeth sink deep into my shoulder. Pain shoots through my body. Warm blood flows down my arm. Black spots dance across my vision.
It lunges again. I barely avoid being bitten on the neck by rolling over.
The bite is on my upper back. The waves of scalding pain scramble my thoughts. I can't think straight.
The edges of my vision darken. I can vaguely see Delphi behind a tree. She appears to be moving quickly, but I don't know what she is doing. The tunnel closes in. The world is dark.

But the pain is gone.

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