Yours Sincerely, Harry.

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Harry's head was swirling with the news Amy had just dropped. Aiden made Zayn kill himself? What the fuck. He was going to throw up with the news of Aiden's double life, he started to get angry. They had been friends all this time and he never mentioned any of it? Not even when he moved to Doncaster (which was only a ploy to get closer to Zayn) when they were banging each other in Harry's bed, he never mentioned it. What a psycho. He needed to pay, big time. After Amy finished explaining of how Aiden manipulated everyone around him, it was time to join the others for the party.

The dancefloor ate up half the room and multi-coloured lights started to splash onto the wooden panels that people were dancing upon. Niall and Lou were partying hard while Perrie and her new boyfriend were in the corner making out. Gemma was dancing with Liam as they were holding hands over her massive wedding gown. Eleanor sat at the table holding baby Lydia who was falling asleep (even though the music was pumping loudly), Louis sat next to her looking surprisingly happier than he'd been, probably has something to do with how he just got back the boy he loved and they were about to come out. Aiden sat on his own at a table waiting for Harry, unknown to the information his boyfriend had just learned, shit.

Harry sprawled into the reception and scanned the mass of faces that had turned up for the reception, he glanced and Louis and smiled and directed his head towards the bar wanting to fill Louis in on what he just learned about his recent boyfriend. Harry ordered a whisky, one for him and one for Louis, he passed it him and they took a shot. Harry spoke over the pumping bass.

"I need to tell you something about Aiden" Harry spoke in Louis's ear. Then Harry filled him in. On how Aiden blackmailed and manipulated those around him making sure that he covered his tracks of trying to hurt Zayn. Louis was pissed even though he already knew half the story. Louis wanted to kill Aiden and his fists started to ball up. Aiden sat there glaring at Harry and Louis at the bar worried that history would revisit itself so he got up and sat next to Louis. The tension grew thick.

"Hey you two. Looks like your having fun" Aiden gritted through his teeth, riddled with jealousy.

"We are thanks" Louis snapped.

"I was just wondering that if my boyfriend would care for a dance" Aiden said, making sure that the word boyfriend stood out to make sure that Louis knew his place.

"Sure babe" Harry said happily, faking a smile to make sure that the plan him and Amy came up with was going to work.

Aiden grabbed Harry's hand tightly and pulled him onto the dancefloor and forced Harry's hands round his waist making him grip tight. Aiden controlled Harry when they were dancing, making sure that he was the one in control. Louis looked on from the bar, angry with how Aiden was handling and treating Harry, he wanted to kill him so much. Louis joined Eleanor again and this time wasn't listening to a word she was saying but was more interested in ways to hurt Aiden and make him pay.

Yours Sincerely, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now