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12:00am. Happy Birthday Harry.

Waking up at the crack of dawn because ever since finishing all his exams, he was done with school and going everyday, good news for him. It was his 18th Birthday and he was looking forward to spending it with Niall and Liam but they were both busy. Busy on his birthday? Cold. Aiden was also busy which also upset Harry because Aiden's been great over the three months that him and Louis have been broken up. Running down stairs, he sees a stressed Gemma shuffling quickly out the house on the phone talking about the wedding cake their having (Lemon or Lime?). Anne was also downstairs cooking pancakes for breakfast.

"Happy Birthday Darling!" Anne exclaims kissing Harry on the cheek.

"Thanks" Harry glumly says.

"What's the matter?" Anne sympathetically asks.

"Niall and Liam are both busy, so is Aiden and Gemma just left" Harry moans.

"Gemma has been under stress about the wedding planning, along with Liam. Look, fall out with your friends over this. I'm just popping out then I'll be back for you to open presents"

Bang. She's gone. What a shit birthday so far. Harry spends the next few hours on Tumblr complaining and then texting his friends, no replies. Great. Not much happened recently. Stan was sent away to juvenile camp after his attack on Louis, Eleanor seemed to be enjoying motherhood with non-stop Facebook photos of her cradling baby Lydia, no Louis to be seen. He was off the radar and Harry had no idea as to why.

Louis's world had been turned upside down when Harry had entered. He'd questioned his feelings, his choices, his friends. Harry had fucked him up big time. He kept seeing Eleanor even though his physical and emotional attraction had turned into nothing. Louis kept seeing pictures of Harry and Aiden on Instagram and thought it was sickening, that should be him cradling his boy and kissing him not Aiden. But there's nothing he could do about it, he hadn't seen Harry in forever and it was pretty much over between the two of them. Louis climbed downstairs to grab a can of coke when he sees his sister Lottie sitting there, texting.

"Hey. What ya doing?" Louis asks, bored already.

"I could ask you the same thing" Lottie murmurs.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, all you've done is stay up in you room on your own, doing practically nothing. You quit football and you don't go to any parties. You can tell me you know?" Lottie whines.

"It's Harry. We were together before," Louis starts to tell

"I know that. Kind of obvious by how many sounds you two made when you were... You know"

Louis grins at the memories then explains "I'm still in love with him"

"And what you going to do about it?! You need to tell him" Lottie encourages.

This inspires Louis to finally tell Harry how he feels and hopefully come out with him, which his wanted since he pecked him on the cheek on that rainy afternoon walking from school.

Harry's birthday had been lonely and depressing but, after a day of errands with his mum they made route for home. The lights were all turned off and Harry turned them on in full intensity. Out of nowhere; Niall, Liam, Perrie, Lou, Aiden, Gemma and a few others popped from behind pieces of furniture, popping party poppers and screaming SURPRISE!! It was an amazing gesture.

Two hours into the party, the floor was filled with bodies dancing to a playlist of Harry's iPod. He noticed he wasn't truly happy. Aiden was amazing and he was going to be his date to the wedding next week but, something was missing, someone was missing. Harry missed Louis's sharp jawline along with his stubble and his eye crinkles and his icy blue eyes. He missed him so much. He just didn't know if he felt the same.

Yours Sincerely, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now