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3 days. 3 days of sobbing and screaming. Rejection hurts, Zayn had been rejected before but, this was Liam. Liam Payne with the gorgeous quiff and hunky biceps along with stubble and a fashion sense to die for - NO! Stop thinking like this, Zayn thought, it will only cause more disapproval and disappointment for mum. He came out the other night to mum, Trisha. After dad left, I guess you could say young little Zayn Malik had a heavy influence from women when growing up. He'd always battled with his sexuality, especially when he was young. His been best mates with Louis and Stan since well, birth. Stan and Louis always used to be closer, always used to be thick as thieves together. While Zayn was seen as a bad influence, Stan was convincing Louis to join football club and study hard and he was basically like the best friend Louis deserved. That's what gravitated Zayn towards Stan because, he was such a nice guy growing up.

His crush on Stan came to an all time high when they went camping in a forest, just the three of them. Louis went to start a fire while Stan and Zayn were left alone in the tent just facing each other in the thick of silence. He could remember it so clearly-

"So... Nice night tonight" Zayn said awkwardly

"Yeah. It is. Bit cold though" Stan moaned

"I'm quite warm actually" Zayn said referring to his blanket. Suddenly Stan got underneath the blanket and looked directly into Zayn's warm brown eyes. Without thinking or planning, Zayn leaned in for a kiss and Stan responded to his kiss moving his lips in time with Zayn's until they heard crunches of leaves which signalled Louis coming back to the tent. They quickly pulled away and Stan escaped the bundle of blankets before Louis could catch them in the act.

Stan seemed distant with Zayn after that, never spoke to him or messaged him and the 'three amigos' turned into Louis having to share two best friends separately. Zayn didn't know why or how, but they both seemed to have changed dramatically. Zayn becoming more recluse and isolated, he got into smoking and graffiti by wearing a statement of punk outfits in an array of black leather and silver chains. Stan became a nasty jock that bullied and harassed students from lower years throwing words around such 'faggot' and 'queer' if they only knew. Louis had been the only that didn't go through some massive change, it seemed Louis was still the insecure football-loving boy he'd been a year ago. Except he had Eleanor, which caused many problems.

One day Zayn had been smoking outside in an alley, keeping away from the party he was invited to. He the heard two drunken voices coming from the other side of the wall. It was Stan and Eleanor, they were kissing (just more than kissing really). Zayn peeked at Eleanor who seemed to be teasing and straddling Stan's lap. Zayn didn't leave it to his imagination as to what happened next but, he has a pretty good guess. Zayn was confused as to why Stan bothered with Eleanor in the first place, wasn't he gay? Or bi? Or bi-curious? Whatever. But, the fact he was having sex with Louis's girlfriend meant that the bro code had officially been broken. Zayn slipped away from Stan and Eleanor, them being left unknown to Zayn's snooping.

Zayn kept the secret of Stan and Eleanor to himself because what's the worst that's going to happen? Louis will probably break up with Eleanor before the year's over and it's not like Eleanor's going to pregnant or anything, right? Wrong. A month later, Louis came around Zayn's house in floods of tears, unable of what to say, his words all mismatched not making sense. Zayn was able to piece everything together, bit by bit. Eleanor is pregnant. Zayn sat there, arms around Louis almost being a father to him.

Over the coming weeks, Zayn's crush on Liam had ignited flames that Zayn was powerless to put out. He found himself hanging out with Liam and his gang more than Louis, straying himself from the popular crowd in order to find friends that like him for him. Perrie was a nice girl, she was especially good in the bedroom department (and by good, he means good at visualising Perrie to be Liam). Zayn was playing Perrie and it felt wrong to but he felt obliged to in order to keep his overbearing Muslim mum, Trisha happy. There was still this inkling of lust and passion for Liam that Zayn craved like a drug, he needed Liam Payne and fast. He just needed an excuse to kiss him.

Yours Sincerely, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now