Time To Get Real

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Louis's mum had always been the forgiving one out of her and Mark. That was the easiest part of telling them about impregnating a girl. Since Eleanor's bump was slowly expanding from the size of a nut to a watermelon, Louis felt it was time to come clean to Jay and Mark. Gathering them in the living room he stands in front of the fireplace facing them, his hands are shaking with what his about to say, he never thought he'd have to do this. He grew up hating his dad and even though Mark was good to Jay and Louis, he would never fill the empty void of not having a father.

Lottie Tomlinson constantly lived in her brother's shadow. Often forgotten about and not favoured at all by her parents, she was reckless and careless of her actions which were all an act or cry for attention. When she heard her perfect brother ask to speak to his parents, she was curious. Constantly waiting for the moment when Louis slips up, it seemed the day had finally arrived. Standing behind the lounge door, she listened carefully in hopes to catch every second of the moment Louis was about to break his parent's hearts.

"Mum. Mark. I need to tell you something" Louis spoke nervously.

"Go on then" Jay spoke sweetly.

"Eleanor's pregnant."

Uh-oh. The penny has dropped. Jay and Mark immediately got uncomfortable as Mark's grip on Jay's waist seemed to have gotten tighter. Lottie's mouth was gaped open in shock horror as her hope of Louis getting a bad grade or getting kicked off the football team has turned into him becoming father, Jesus. After moments of silence, Lottie peeked through the peephole of the door and saw an upsetting scene of Louis crying into Jay's chest, sandwiched by Mark. That night, Jay decided to stay supportive of Louis and will stand by him and the baby no matter what, Louis sure did have the best parents ever.

Harry knew Louis was telling his parents. Did he feel guilty? Hell yeah he did. He'd been keeping this massive baby secret for months and it was going to come out, soon. Staying supportive of Louis and leaving him to sort out his head, Harry distracted himself with the rehearsals of Macbeth but, distracting himself was quite hard while Lady Macbeth was heavily pregnant. They were running through lines when Eleanor missed her cue line which meant the actors coming in that scene couldn't come on. Because it's Eleanor and the whole world revolves around her, it was Harry's fault.

"Styles! You missed your line!" Eleanor snapped

"No, actually you missed your cue line" Harry said pointing to the script

"I can't work with him sir, your gonna have to find a new Macbeth" Eleanor whinged

"Find a new Macbeth? How about find someone that can perform on the night and not give birth instead" Harry referred.

"That was uncalled for Styles, you know how stressful this has been for me"

"Do I? If it's so stressful for you, WHY DON'T YOU JUST BLOODY QUIT?"

"How about you get some manners, Styles?"

"Coming from the girl that calls people by their second names"

"Oh shut up. Nobody cares who plays Macbeth, they don't even know who you are"

"Really? Then why is it I get invited everywhere?" Harry snapped, having enough of Eleanor's nasty comments he lays into her "I think your forgetting I become the centre of parties now while you just sit at home being the sad, alone pregnant little girl. I should watch where you step El, I do know about Stan after all"

With that, Harry left leaving Eleanor shocked and upset. A dose of blackmail would make sure that Eleanor backs off Harry and actually call him his proper name. Harry was hundred percent sure that Eleanor would moan and whine about him down the phone to Louis for hours on end, if she only knew. Harry was untouchable. Nothing can break him or his reputation, he was going up and Eleanor was going down. Walking down the corridor happy with himself he heads outside the doors and heads home.

Yours Sincerely, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now